Thursday, June 28, 2007


You know what that means... time for FUG

Kami has me taking pictures of strangers on the sly. It's fun. It's like being a private detective of FUG.

So, I present you with more Maine FUG.

I understand that us chunky chicks have a hard time hiding all of our rolls. So here's a tip. Don't wear a shirt with a big cut out in the back that shows off your back fat. On to the shorts, don't wear them so short that a visit to your GYNO is necessary to yank them out. Also. Maybe not so tight that you have scary muffin top. Or maybe take the fabric from that snazzy cut out and lengthen your shirt to hide said muffin top. Just saying.

The post my parents dread...

This post is going to make my father cringe in lament that his daughter is indeed the GD, bleeding heart, tree hugging, liberal he always feared he would breed.

Then my mother will shake her head, laugh, sigh and then cluck her tongue... her daughter is a granola hippie.

To my father organic = living thing or from a living thing. AKA... carbon based entities.

So... here are some of the wonderful things I've found...

The Wrap a Mat. This is awesome for anyone who packs a sandwich in their kids/spouses lunch or carries their own to work. Seriously inventive. Keeps your sandwich soft and yummy and gives you a clean place to eat.
Check out the ECOBAGS® produce bags. Great idea.

We are lucky that the town we are in has gone to single sort recycling, so we can dump all of our recyclables into a large trash can like container and they do the sort. Before that we had an ugly time keeping everything sorted. So, it's no surprise that I love these from the Container Store.

Not the least bit related .... but how cool is this little gizmo... a cup cake holder!!

Here is a kitchen composting bin you won't mind having out in the kitchen!

And finally.... a sunblock for my face that isn't causing it to break out. It's a little heavier than I would normally like, but the more I use it the more I love it!! It's not greasy. It's doesn't have a scent. SPF 20. I have been using it everyday as my moisturizer and it's fine. WOW!

And last but not least for now... please take a moment to check out Barbara Kingsolver's new book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life . It's an interesting idea, taking the thought of community supported agriculture to the next level. Kingsolver is one of my all time favorite authors, her fiction is amazing. This one is worth checking out too. Just to get you thinking.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I'm an addict....

I never would have thought that I was an addict, but let's just say that it's a good thing I have never done drugs. Or smoked a cigarette.

Right now I have no less than 3 raging addictions, and as is the tradition with addictions, not one of them is good for me.

My latest addiction is online gaming. It started after being holed up in this hotel for the last week. I have an awful lot of time to do a lot of nothing. It easy to keep 300 sq ft clean. I have this thing called housekeeping that does my big laundry and cleans the bathroom. It takes me less than 10 minutes to do the set of 3 dishes we have. Even our personal laundry goes by quickly with 4 washers and dryers. Sure we get out and play, and go do things, but there is still a LOT of time for nothing. A LOT!

So. Computer games it is. I have K to thank for my introduction to Cake Mania. That filled 2 days worth of naps. Then came Diner Dash wish helped through a night of insomnia. Mysteryville... another nap. Then... and now.... Virtual Villagers. Let's just say I might be a little in love with GameSpring. Just a little.

VV is a Sims type game. A little slower paced, but it allows me to do all the other time wasting internet things... like email, read blogs, blog, sign the girls up for classes, look for our winter housing, work, and that's all while Em is nursing (yes, she is STILL nursing), the girls are napping and randomly through the day.

VV is actually growing on me. Julia can recognize my villagers by name and we were all a little sad when our first round of villagers died. We cheer when the babies are born and had a celebration of our own when they learned to fish. Ummm yes, I am apparently breeding a new form of uber geeks.

Just to satisfy your curiousity we also play at the park, practice lacrosse in the field next to our hotel, play with the giant frisbee, take the dog out, long walks to the grocery store. We have plenty of leg stretching heart pumping activity. Julia and Anna have also been working in workbooks, coloring pictures for every person they have ever known. We aren't without our PBS, and I have developed a fondness for Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (*gasp* I know, a CN show!!).

Next week as we settle into our new abode I'll have less computer time and more busy time. For now.... there is the rest of my month of Gamespring and an endless supply of games.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Wow. I guess so....

You scored as Hermione Granger, You're one intelligent witch, but you have a hard time believing it and require constant reassurance. You are a very supportive friend who would do anything and everything to help her friends out.

Hermione Granger


Albus Dumbledore


Sirius Black


Remus Lupin


Draco Malfoy


Harry Potter


Ron Weasley


Ginny Weasley


Lord Voldemort


Severus Snape


Your Harry Potter Alter Ego Is...?
created with

THanks Kelly!!!!!!!!!!

Living la vida loca

I can't believe what I'm about to say, but, here it goes... Living in a one room (well, it does have a bathroom too) dwelling isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

I'd love another 300 sq ft, but it freaks me out how easily I've adapted to this. The girls too. Their major complaint is volume control, but if this little room was a house out on it's own chunk of land, I think we'd be ok.

Until the snow that is. Once winter hit we'd be at each others throats.

Maybe we would have been ok camping out in a tent all summer. Except for the humidity and bug part.

Don't get me wrong. I can't wait for this weekend when we have a big old house to stretch our legs out in and a big yard to play in, but this certainly wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Spill the beans...

I guess now that it's official, it's time to spill the beans...

Dan has accepted a position with another company here in Maine. Although he enjoys his current job, he can't pass up the opportunities available to him with this new company.

He will be in a product manager role and is really excited about the change. I hope this brings great things for Dan. He doesn't like the job hopping thing, and the last 2 years has been hard for him. We're hopeful that this company will be a long term place for Dan. It certainly seems like a good fit!

So... GO DAN!

A mouth full...

As you can see, Julia has one extra tooth in there. It's huge. She has such tiny teeth, this tooth coming up is a monster. I see big $$$$$$$$ in our future.

Saturday, June 23, 2007


Thank you so much for the snack ideas! I knew I could count on you.

Kirdy... oooh graham crackers that is a great idea we were on a graham cracker kick awhile back but I think it's time to revisit an old friend. I also snapped up some apple snack chips.

Moe... edamame is not only fun to eat but fun to say. That's the sign of a great snack.

Scattered Mom.... THANKS! For those of you looking for great recipes and some super snack ideas, visit her Notes from the Holiday Cookie Jar Site. It's worth it!

My kids and I thank you!

I do believe in fairies, I do believe in fairies....

Walking in silence through the tall, imposing pines, the shadowy white birches and willowy bamboo like water trees, the five of us tread along the waters edge.

I look back to find two of my beautiful girls intently looking in the underbrush as they walk along the path.

Lagging behind is a new walker, struggling to keep up with her big sisters but equally awed by her surroundings. Dad stays close by to help when she veers perilously close to the sharp drop to the water.

We continue winding our way around the island. Our silence is broken by squeals of excitement as a small pile of sticks is discovered under a tree. Little fingers delicately poke at the tiny domecile, careful not to disrupt the construction.

In a clearing we spy a large fox and moments later he turns and acknowledges our presence.

Then up ahead, the setting sun filtering through the leafy canopy above, we spot them. From afar it appears to be a "Blair Witch Project ish" intrusion of natural items piled unnaturally. Upon closer inspection it's a friendly village. A sign announces that we have indeed reached the Community Village.

Little piles of sticks, leaves, bark, shells and other items found through out the forest have been fashioned into shelters for faeries.

Some of the houses were simply constructed, obviously providing for the fairy who had minimal needs. Others were multilevel fairy mansions with swimming pools and gardens. High class fairies indeed. We discovered ittle tiny houses fit for a Thimbelena all the way to large tactical shelters worthy of Bear Grylls.

Leaving no trace behind, we continue our circumference of the island and are rewarded with a beautiful sunset over the water.

At exactly closing time we reach our van and head home. It's a wonder that this little retreat is only a small causeway from the city.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Ideas please??

I'm in a rut with the girls snacks...

I need ideas for healthy (fast) snacks. I have 3 busy, hungry little ones and since we moved into the hotel, I've just been grabbing the bag of pirates booty or cheese sticks. Not exactly in line with what I'm thinking.

I'm heading to the market and will load us up with some fresh fruit and berries... but any other snack ideas would be welcome!


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Help a Brother out...

One my favorite musicians is Brother Love. Brother Love does indeed rock. I encourage you to visit his website and check out his music.

You may recognize his amazing voice from the Saturn commercials (the "You are My Sunshine" one) that were running over Memorial Day. Here's a link to see it if you missed it.

His CD "Album of the Year" can be found on his website, and on itunes. "Summertime" and "Silly Boy" are two of my favorites.

So.............. to my point...... he's in this contest through Cordless Records and to be a part of this great show to give him some more exposure (and some cash). It would be great if you could take a minute and sign up to vote for him. You do have to load a pic into your profile for your vote to count, but it would be great. He's a wonderful artist and you gotta love the unsigned musicians!

The contest ends tomorrow at midnight, please vote if you can!!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Only a mother could love...

Ok, did you catch that my own mother just called my last post LAME???? Damn.

So, tonight we're chatting on messenger (because we're cool like that) and she tells me I'm weird. The following conversation ensues. Hilarity all around...

Karen says:
you're weird

Heather says:

Karen says:
what will you do if JK kills harry?

Heather says:
I think she should

Heather says:
but I'll cry

Heather says:
I don't think she will

Karen says:
me either

Heather says:
although she did pay big bucks to set up a phone hotline
for support

Karen says:
there's a thing in Reader's Digest, or People as to how to talk to child about it if he dies. I'll cut it out so I 'll know what to say to you

Heather says:
that's damn funny

Karen says:
i'm damn funny!

Heather says:
that's soooo blog worthy

Deadliest Catch

I know I'm late to the game on this one, but being holed up in a hotel room has given me some time to watch tv. I have been watching the Deadliest Catch marathon today.


These men (and a handful of women) are amazing.

I will gladly pay the big bucks for crab legs. Not much of the food I consume requires the purveyor of such goods to put their life on the line.

Friday, June 08, 2007


I live in Maine.

It's slowly starting to sink in that this is now my home. Yes, it might feel more like home if we had a home, but still, we live here.

I loved living in Arizona, especially in Tucson. I didn't enjoy Phoenix much, but Winter was divine. Rest of the year... ummm..... the mountains were gorgeous. I spent a decade in the desert and over the years it had become my home.

I have to say that it only took me about 3 months to love it here. Right now I love that the trees exploded after a couple of days of rain. Everything went from muted and minimal to wild and rowdy.

I loved Fall. It was brilliant. Winter wasn't all that bad either. I was prepared to be miserable, but most days we had blue sky and sun. It wasn't the typical gray winter days that I remember growing up in Michigan. Spring.... man. I'm pretty sure I can't find words to explain how I feel that haven't already been said better somewhere else. Thoughts of rebirth, an awakening, life... yes, all of that.

We went "Up North" this week. In Maine terms we went "Down East". Essentially we drove for a long time in the car. The trip was poorly planned, poorly packed and we had some serious rough spots. There were some awesome highlights though. Following a big old moose down the road. Swimming in a pool directly next to the ocean. Singing the BroLo version of You Are My Sunshine at the top of our lungs and car dancing.

Oh, I can't forget the 4 hours of near perfection.

2 hours out in the harbor (Bar Harbor to be more specific) on a lobster boat with a marine biologist. We pulled lobster traps and examined the contents. The kids were thrilled to be able to touch lobsters, crabs of all kinds, star fish, sea cucumbers, anenome and various other sea creatures. We saw porpoises. We saw seals, seals and more seals. Puppies!!!!!!!!!! As in seal puppies. Awesome. We assaulted the biologist with questions and more questions. She was kind and thoughtful and answered our barrage with enthusiasm.

Julia has been studying the ocean in her class for the last couple of weeks, and we were all amazed with what Miss. D has taught her. I was beaming with pride as she answered questions. My little girl knew who Rachel Carson was!! She's one of my long time heroes (ranks right up there with Jim Henson!), and Julia knew exactly who she was and some of the great things she did.

After checking out the aquaculture, we were back on dry land. We took a short walk down the pier and ate some of our new found friends. Sitting outside on the dock watching the sunset while the girls danced to the fun music. It was a great day.

The drugs DO work

My drugs are making a huge impact in my life. That and the iced capp's I'm chugging from TH.

We are T minus 7 days from the move.

Did I mention we don't know exactly where we are going yet?


I'm not worried.

Should I be worried? Aren't having SOME emotions a normal part of human life? I guess. I am experiencing emotions, just not huge ones. It's nice. Would I be happier if we had a house lined up? Of course. Am I freaking out? a little bit. I think it's an OK amount.

A year ago I would have been up in my room intermittently crying with making long engaged phone calls to friends as we would have dissected each part. Every emotion would have been evaluated.

I like this balance thing. I like enjoying my life as it is, without having to bring loads of drama to it to be happy. It's been a long time since I lived like this.

Do I still like a little drama? Sure. Hell it's fun. I just don't have to make it.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Hello again, hello


We've been busy with the gorgeous weather. Well not today, but rainy days are fun too.

Still looking for a house. Kind of a problem since we get the boot June fifteenth.

My computer had not one but two run ins with a juice box yesterday. It's sad. My little keyboard is crying. Some of my number keys don't work. Not sure what to do about it. Right now I'm just writing out the numbers.

Girls are spiffy. Em is climbing tables and since she has 3 teeth coming through, she's biting everything within reach. It's pleasant.

Anna is sure that her 3rd birthday means she's now a big kid.

Julia is excited and sad about school ending. We have quite a summer planned so I think it will be great. I don't want to be too busy, since I think summer is about spending a lot of time looking at the grass and playing at the beach and just hanging out. We have some great opportunities for activities though so I think we'll find a nice balance.

Dan is busy and has some potential great things in the works, so hopefully I'll have an announcement about that soon.

As for me, most of my time is spent with the kids, finding a place to live and working on my business. And some packing. And finding a place to live. I think I have a new client, and it's someone I'm super duper duper excited to work with. It's a huge deal for me and I'm hoping to have the details ironed out this week.

So, that's us in a nutshell. Once we find a place to move and I have a little bit more free time, I'll be back to my normal monotonous droning.