Saturday, April 23, 2005

I'm burning down the house

Ok - enough of the sick fairy! We're on week 3 of illness in this house. Dan just started vomiting this morning - so we have had colds, bronchial infections and three of the four of us have had the stomach flu.

The house looks like we've been sick for three weeks... there isn't a 3 foot area of clean space in our living room. Toys, clothes, shoes have taken over.

So - I figure if we burn the house down the germs will be killed off - and it would be much cleaner, right?

ahhh - maybe I'll just open some windows and if I haven't joined the ranks of those hanging out at the toilet - I'll try and get some cleaning done. Well - I guess that will be in between cleaning vomit and wiping noses and giving breathing treatments and cuddling that sick baby.


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