Friday, June 24, 2005

If you kind of squint your eyes a little...

Ok - I've admitted that I'm lazy - and definitely slobbish - although working on it. I'm finding I can live without a lot of the sentimental crap I've been holding on to for years.

So - I kind of hold the same approach to my creative endeavors. I love to scrapbook, I enjoy painting - and now I'm getting creative with my sewing - doing these precious ribbon and embellished overalls and jeans (I will post pics later!!) ... but I'm NO perfectionist. So I was telling my good friend J that I had made a pair for her daughter's 2nd birthday, but I warned her that they were CUTE - but my sewing leaves much to be desired - so if she looks at it from a foot away and kind of squints her eyes - they look great! Her comment was, "That's how everything in my life is!!"

That's me - PERFECTLY - I live the kind of life where if I stand back and I squint my eyes, my life looks awesome and I like it that way!

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