Sunday, January 15, 2006

HE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dan did it!!! He ran his 13.3 miles today (.2 more than the 1/2 marathon)

His official time was 2 hours 16 minutes. ROCK ON!

He started at 10:33a

1 mile - 1041a
2 mile - 1050a
6 mile - 1130a
9 mile - 1204p
10 mile - 1214p
12 mile - 1237p
13.3 finish - 1249p

He won the Grand Champion Award - and 100 grand. :)

Julia and Anna were great cheerleaders - they cheered and yelled. Our friends Joanna and Bill (and Lily) also cheered for him as he went by! Daddy was proud of his girls - and we're so proud of him. He's a great role model for us.

Now - it's on to the Marathon - TBD!


1 comment:

Kelly said...

Way to go Dan! Those photos are adorable!