Friday, May 26, 2006


Today Julia is graduating from her preschool program. They have a little program for us with the pledge of allegiance, their ABC's in ASL, a couple songs - including the crowd favorite "5 little ducks" and then each kidlet will get their little diploma.

Julia says "Miss Dana will talk a lot, and everyone will cry" :)

No caps and gowns (just these precious little handprint t-shirts they made) no pomp and circumstance... but cuteness OD.

Unfortunately our camera appears to have sustained serious damage during the MBA graduation debacle - so Dan bought me a disposable camera to take pictures since he can't be there. There will indeed be documentation of this momentous event - but it will have to wait until the photos are developed. WOW - it's been a long time since I've uttered that phrase.

I can't believe I have a Kindergartener!

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