Monday, August 21, 2006


Ok - so here is my day...

wake up tired and cranky.

Yell at my kids

Change diapers

Feel really, really badly about yelling at kids

Clean up spilled milk. 3 times

Feel really bad about being stupid enough to be in a situation where I had to clean up milk 3 times.

Change diapers

Nurse baby from nipples that are literally on fire. Did you hear me? ON FIRE

Spend an hour talking to Cox Communications about ridiculousness of them putting my social security number in system incorrectly - and stop telling me that my social security number is wrong - I know my damn social security number. Then tell me why I can't access my own account to pay my final bill because my social security number is wrong. Realize that if social security number is wrong - not paying bill won't show up on my credit. Tell Cox Communications to screw themselves. Then tell Cox Communications supervisor's supervisor how much I love her when she doesn't make me come all the way back to Arizona to show my ID to access my OWN account to pay her. LOVE her.

Change diapers.

Get baby to nap.

Get cranky middle child to nap.

Lay down to nap.

Sit up to nurse baby since I am not allowed to sleep for more than 2.3 minutes.

Play with baby and larger sized child while middle terror child sleeps.

Take deep breath.

Call health insurance company to ask many stupid questions including what exactly they mean by pre-existing condition and does this mean I have to pay $1300 for the one month I was without health insurance that I didn't use but now have to pay to avoid having a pre-existing condition? Oh - and also How do I go about getting mental health services for myself (no really) and no I don't necessarily mean going into a treatment facility but if you don't get me some drugs and counseling soon I will be going to one so just go ahead and look it up for me now so I can have them on speedial.

Take deep breath and program phone number into cell phone.

Change diapers

Talk to friend on phone while wrangling kids who feel the need to attach to my body like leeches while the phone is to my head. End phone call when middle child unattaches herself from my body and throws herself off of bed onto wooden adirondack chair ($4 on clearance - how cool is that!!!) and tries to die.

Call husband and tell him that instead of the incredibly challenging meal of putting frozen chicken pot pies into oven that he must stop at store and pick up dinner for a very cranky, tired, unhappy woman.

Call brother. Laugh.

Hang up phone and eat lobster rolls (big ass 10 inch lobster rolls) that husband brought home from store.


Gleefully write this all down as all three kids join Dad for a walk to let the dog out to go to the bathroom (after realizing that all this time of changing diapers I forgot to take the dog out).


1 comment:

Dori (Aviva's mommy) said...

Hugs HET... I am sorry your day is so rough.

I hope you are enjoying the silence.