Thursday, September 28, 2006

6 months old

OK - she's almost 7 months old - but Em had her 6 month check up yesterday. She appears to be doing well - 17.5 lbs, 26 1/2 inches and looks healthy. She is still on for her appointment with the pediatric GI for her reflux the end of October.

Her ped agreed that her spoon feeding issues seem more related to the tongue thrusting than her interest in food so she is going to be doing a feeding study, mostly because of her other GI issues.

She is also getting her hips scanned as a baseline for her previous leg length difference issue.

I still can't believe I'm about to say this - but she did agree with me completely that a lot of Em's screaming issues are probably behavioral at this point. I almost choked when the word time-out came up in reference to disciplining her for her biting! Baby time-out. I could just see Em sitting in her Bumbo in the corner for her 30 seconds of age appropriate time out time. ha. Once she explained herself we were on the same page. She meant that I need to detach her and set her down for a couple of moments so that she understands that if she bites, she doesn't continue to nurse.

As for the other - she agreed with the notion that babies with reflux and chronic pain do indeed have issues with self soothing and that there can definitely be a lot of crying purely for attention at about this age. She said that how I want to handle it is up to me. Letting her cry for a while so that I can go about my daily life isn't going to hurt her. So leaving her in a safe place to cry for five minutes so I can do laundry, or do some dishes, or get Anna's lunch is sometimes what I might need to just do.

Her ped was happy to see her sitting with little to no support, and she was flipping around on the table to show her just how strong she's gotten. Not to mention how damn cute. Smiley little chick was on her best behavior.

She's a little cranky today in a way we don't normally see from Em - she's WHINY! She's usually either 100% happy or 100% pissed. She's never a little of anything - so whiny isn't something we see. She's a little feverish and is spending her day napping, whining and eating.

Does this look like the face of trouble??? Well it should!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adorable...I think she is going to give you a run for the money.