Monday, February 18, 2008

I have something to admit.

I like snow.

The icy, slippery stuff is annoying, but other than that, I like winter.

I'm not counting the days till Spring, I'm not frustrated by rumors of more white stuff.

I can't believe it. Me, who loved those balmy winter days in Arizona is in love with cold weather and snow.

I think part of my ability to stomach this weather is that for the most part, we have blue skies and sun most of the time here. Gray, overcast days are fewer and far between than the Michigan winter days of my youth.

I will say here though, that this rain in February stuff is a load of crap. Crap, I tell ya.

Last week while Dan was out of town we had way too much fun here.

It started out onWednesday, my first day covering the office for one of my clients. We had 7 inches of snow. Did I mention Dan was out of town? Yes. Julia is off school for a snow day. I head out to shovel out the van and then head back inside to dry off and get everyone up, dressed and ready to head out the door. We spend the next 8 hours cooped up inside the office and watching the snow turn to an actual pouring rain. It rained all day. Getting home we walked through 6" of puddled water because the 2 foot snow banks on the sidewalk wasn't letting the water go anywhere.

After finishing dinner our neighbor calls and asks if we were flooding. "No, thank God!" was my answer. After two more minutes of conversation I promptly respond again with, "Oh shit, we are flooding!" I notice the carpet in the dining room is wet.

The next three hours are a blur of moving furniture and rugs and trying to minimize damage.

Then as I get ready for bed I realize that the hallway is wet too. The storage closet was also flooding and the water was coming in that way too. More furniture moving, more fun.

Here it is 5 days later and my dining room table is still pushed against the other wall with chairs on top. The giant fans are gone and replaced by a giant dehumidifier.

So, it's raining again today, and so far, so good.

I say, bring on the snow!


Anonymous said...

More rain?! What's up with that... Hopefully, it will all stay outside this tim

Scatteredmom said...

I like snow as long as I don't have to drive in it. I don't mind driving, I grew up with lots of snow; it's the other people that scare me.

On the coast of BC, we get not just days, but weeks and even months of rain in the winter. But when the sun comes God, it's almost like summer. :P

Glad you're having fun in the snow.

Kirdy said...

Yer nuts. I loves ya, but yer nuts. :D