Saturday, January 10, 2009


As my lovely mother has pointed out - it's been a while.

I was working some big hours before Christmas.

We had a fabulous Christmas. Cookies were baked and decorated, songs were sung, shopping, trees decorated, presents wrapped, presents unwrapped, playing with toys - lots of kid time.

We took the decorations down the day after Christmas (except the tree - because of course we have to do a birthday tree!) and they are already put away in our attic.

Did I mention our attic has about an inch of mold... nice!

Then more hours were worked.... then we had a little neighborhood party for Julia and her neighbor friends (a homemade peppermint ice cream cake that was delicious, and 18 people shoved into a tiny house with hyper kids!!).

On her birthday Julia had a fabulous surprise - my parents came from Arizona to visit!

We had another little birthday party at the pool at my parents hotel. More fun was had.

We had a great week with my parents with lots of good food. The kids had fun and loved every minute of time with them.

Since then we have whiny kids that miss their grandparents, more work, back to school, some sledding, a snow day (not out of school until at least 6/19 now!!) some really cold weather and now a big storm on the way...

Fun as always!


Mari-Beth said...

I agree with your mom, its been awhile...
Sounds like you're having tons of fun though!!! Happy belated b-day Julia...

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Now, was that so difficult? Good post. Great pictures! :)