Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Em update

Em had her appoitnment with the Pediatric GE today. It went well. She was 18lb2oz on their scale - so she's gained almost a pound this month. Geez.

The don't want to run tests on her (yeah!!!!!) because she's responding so well to the Prevacid. We are going to keep her on the Prevacid until she turns a year and then we'll switch her to an H2 Inhibitor (Zantac or the like) for a week and then give it a couple weeks and see how she is.

So - that's good. They agreed that as she hits more milestones we'll have setbacks (now that she's on her belly and crawling it put more pressure on her stomach so she's spitting up more), and the introduction of some foods might bother her. We'll know more about these things after we wean her.

Oh yeah - they also said that supplementing with a formula would be fine at this point. If after 2-3 weeks we notice any decrease in her comfort then we should go back to 100% breast milk. Mommy will be doing a happy dance if we can get her to take a bottle or two each day of formula!

1 comment:

Dori (Aviva's mommy) said...

I am glad that Em is doing so well.