Monday, October 01, 2007

Yep... It's October which means it's time to get PINK!

For all of the women who have won or lost their battles against breast cancer - and to those who have had their lives touched by this cancer, my blog has gone pink for the month of October.

I think it's wonderful that everywhere you go from the end of September through the early stages of November companies are in some way spreading awareness and donating proceeds of their products to various Breast Cancer charities. Yes, I know that most of this is a major marketing ploy - but I do believe that awareness is key and so for that I support the cause. I also will encourage you to click on the links on my sidebar to make donations directly to various breast cancer organizations.

Early detection is instrumental in the battle against this disease. Make sure that you and your friends and your loved ones are squeezing those boobs (click on that link for a tutorial on breast self exams from the Komen Foundation) every month. Talk to your sisters and mother about getting their annual clinical exams by a doctor. PLEASE get your boobs squished annually once you reach age 40 or earlier if you have a family history.

I hope that by the time my girls are older this isn't the same scary situation as it is today.

I want to tell my my family and friends battling this cancer to keep on fighting, stay strong and keep on surviving. In honor of those still fighting and in memory of those who lost the battle - THINK PINK!

My mother in law P
My husbands Aunt S
MyAunt P
My Great-Aunt LJ
My friend Deb
My friend Pam

And yes - I have heard of the Boycott October movement - and although I'm not a BC survivor, but I can completely understand the sentiment. I feel that it's not my place (not having had BC) to weigh in on the situation. I do know that my MIL and aunts proudly wear their pink ribbons and wave them as their battle flag - so for now - I still support the pink movement. In anyway, shape or form, awareness is awareness.

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