Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Funny thing about blogging...

It's strange how things that seem fairly distant and inconsequential reach you at important times. I spent an awful lot of my labor thinking about a blogger that I read. You guessed it. MOE BERG!

Now - I know you are wondering what could possibly make me (and Dan) discuss Moe at length in the throws of labor?

Well - it was this blog... in which Moe introduced us again to the Peanut Butter Jelly Song... This song has just taken over the Doughkid home. We sing it on an almost daily basis - with me as the biggest offender. I also like to add my own theme.

so - once again I know you are asking - how does this apply to my labor?

Well - you can sing a myriad of different verses to the tune... none of which were spectacularly creative - but keep in mind it was early, early, early in the morning and then late, late, late in the labor! ;) So - tunes like 'It's epidural time", "up the pitocin time" and "beat the cheery OB with a baseball bat" were all popular.


So - Moe. Thanks.

1 comment:

moe berg said...

you are very welcome. most people would send a letter bomb to someone who had anything to do with getting peanut butter jelly time back out there.

i'll just assume the "em" in "emma" is a tribute to my first initial.