Friday, January 14, 2005

Poop and cloth diapers

Ya know - I can definitely sing the praises of cloth diapering your babies. It was a great experience for us - and if we do it again (ummm - the kid thing) we will cloth diaper that baby too. I couldn't believe how easy it was.

Ok - that said - enter solid foods - and REAL poop! I am not squeamish - but after a week of cloth diapering after a month of disposables (while on vacation) I'm TIRED of screwing around with poop. See - you can wash breastfed baby poop in your washer - but once those solids are introduced - you need to flush the poop and then just wash the diaper. Anna is pooping about 5 times a day - so I've touched poop (with toilet paper of course) almost 40 times this week. UGH. I haven't gotten the hang of the dumping it in to the toilet yet - it seems to either stick or fall on the floor when I do that. I did the disposable liner thing - but see - I'm back to dealing with poop again!

Did you know that you are actually supposed to dump the poop from disposables too - but no one ever does!

So - I'm giving it another week and then I'm back to dumping diapers in landfills... I sure wish my social conscience would catch up with my anti-poop vibe.

What's that smell coming from the bedroom???

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