Friday, September 02, 2005

It's Friday!

Ok - I've tried to update a couple of times - but between connection snafu's and a power supply problem - today is the best I could do!

Mom and Dad arrived at Ben and Mels on Wednesday. Home health care started Thursday - and so far so good. This is going to be a difficult process for Ben, Mel and Caleb - but I think it's all going to work out fine. The home health care aides appear to be good quality helpful people. I think they are looking to do 6 hours a day for a week or so and then we'll see.

Dad's problems are still pain related and needing to have more confidence in his abilities.

Mom's doing great - tired and sore but doing better.

Sweetie Pie's laceration was quite something - it was all the way down to the skull! We saw her yesterday and she hid from me but ran right to Dan. She was so well behaved the entire time - she climbed right into the car!

Dan, Julia, Anna and I are going to fly out to San Diego on Wednesday - and hopefully Sweetie Pie will follow later that day. It's too hot for her to fly into Arizona right now. So we'll be driving back.

No word on Gretchen.

That's all the news from here - we're picking up China Palace and bringing it down to Ben's house for dinner tonight. Tomorrow will be our first day off since we've been here. Dan has to finish his 2006 Business Plan and then his Final Exam and the girls and I are going to visit some old neighbors.

Thanks for all your support. Please feel free to email me for Ben and Mel's address and home phone number.


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