Tuesday, September 13, 2005

When it rains - it pours...

Obviously my family is going though it's share of ugly stuff right now - but I've been talking with a LOT of people close to us in the last 3 weeks and I'm amazed at how many people are going through very difficult and trying times, and I don't even know anyone that was affected first hand by Katrina!

I've always believed that things come in 3s - you know - 3 bad things - 3 really good things... I've totally given up on that now. Maybe a new theory needs to come into play ---- things come in 9s or 10s????

I don't want to air other people's trials and situations on this blog - but suffice it to say - I have many people in my prayers these days. I have faith things will get better. They have to - right???


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