Julia and her friend Saige had a great experience today - they were made over into Rock Stars!!
I was tough with the rules - no drugs, no booze and no groupies!
We went to Libby Lu - where the staff did their hair, makeup and nails. My daughter - (now to be known as the Twisted Sister -- hee heeeeeeeeee) decided instead of the pretty little princess with a tiara and pink fluffy dress that she originally wanted -and mom thought would be sooo cute - she chose a "rocker" look - sprayed neon pink (this would be the crack rock smoking portion of the day - since the fumes from the hair spray and hair color spray definitely gave me a contact high!)! She chose this very ROCK little black sequin number. Amazing how much fun 2 little girls with makeup and fun music can have. They had the store to themselves and had a blast. It was fun watching Julia's creative and fun side come out of her formerly timid little self.
They then got to pick out potions for in their new little purses (a lotion, shampoo and perfume) that they mixed themselves. I like to refer to this as the booze portion of the day...
After they were all dolled up - they were able to do a little dance (they chose the limbo) and danced their little booties off (yep, you guessed it - groupie part of the day). They were precious and had so much fun. Who knew you could do the limbo with a pink feather boa!!
Then - as if that wasn't enough fun for Julia - she finally decided it was time to get her ears pierced. I've been offering for months - but she kepts saying she didn't want to. Today was the day. She chose little pink flower studs - and was soooo brave. After they did it she teared up a bit but didn't really cry. She says she'll never do that again! So - I told her it hurts WAY more in the nose and everywhere else... :)
Hours later - she already morphing back into the sweet little quiet girl I know - the pink has faded out of her hair - and she's chipping away at her pink sparkly nail polish - but I know she still has some of that ROCKER in her - maybe it's the thigh high black socks with a sequin buckle she's wearing under her little dress! HA!
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