Sunday, September 24, 2006

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Much to our surprise the connection worked when we hooked it up today! YEAH!

I was able to wade through a couple hundred email messages and catch up on some blogs. It was a great feeling.

so - here are some brags cleverly described as updates about the kidlets...

Julia - loves ice skating and is having a great time. She is enjoying Kindergarten and really likes her teacher. I'm impressed so far with what we're seeing from her. The first week the studied metamorphasis and had Monarchs hatch! Julia can tell you anything you need to know about Chrysallis ' and pupas. They also used this as a jumping point to discuss cycles in general (weather, etc...). She LOVES Math and told us Friday that she got moved up in the Math centers for doing such a great job. She informed me that if you add a zero to a 1 you get 10, and then 100 and then a 1000 and then 10000. She was very proud of herself.

Anna - She is really loving having some mommy time each day. We've seen an explosion in her vocabulary and her speech is improving although she still is only understandable about 1/2 the time. We are continuously suprised by what she knows (Julia is a great teacher!!) she knows a lot of her shapes, colors, numbers and letters. She has also become exceptionally polite - and please and thank you is constantly in use. She loves the beach and the water (brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!). I know she misses Julia though - so she play fights with her dolls. Her little babies squabble over what is theirs. :) IT's cute to hear her "MINE!" when there is no one to fight with.

Emma Leigh - is doing well too. She's growing like a weed - and has her 6 month check up this week. She has a bit of a runny nose so I'm not sure she'll do shots or not. Next month is her visit to the ped GI. She still cries a lot and keeps us on our toes but she's getting giggly and sweet. She also loves the beach - and if she's super cranky we'll walk down there and she cheers right up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know you've been busy, and no internet, but, it's about time. :)Can you believe Danny quit his job?Welcome back! I miss those little girls!