Thursday, September 28, 2006


Two nights in a row of less than 3 hours of sleep makes for a non-functioning, non-friendly, non-human human.

Tuesday night all three kids conspired against us. Em woke up at 9p and was up until 11p. Then Anna woke up at 1230a. Then Emma was up from 130-230a. Then Julia came in at 330a. Then Em was up at 530a for the day. After I nursed her - I sent her downstairs with Dan so she could rest in her bouncy or swing while Dan slept for another hour. 730am came all too soon. N0 nap since Em had her doctors appointment and it was early dismissal day for Julia...

Last night Anna was asleep by 815p, Julia was asleep by 9p. Emma was down for the count at 1op. Dan and I finished up our chores by 11p and I was out by midnight. Emma was up from 2a till almost 4. She had her first fever (probably a side effect of being shot up 4 times yesterday) and was just whiny and very un-emma like. She finally fell asleep at the end of our bedroom cuddled in all the blankets. I moved her back to her bed and passed out into ours. A short, short, short hour and half later she was awake for the day. I took her downstairs to nurse her, take her temperature and hit her with a dose of Tylenol - she fell asleep at 630a and I was estatic to get a chance for another hour of sleep. Thats when I heard feet on the stairs. Julia was up. "Good morning, mommy!" she sings out cheerfully.

"It's not even 7am - you can lay on the couch and watch Curious George but mommy and em are going to sleep'

"Ok mommy - but I'm going to go to the bathroom and then color in the kitchen."

Five minutes later I hear Dan's alarm go off. 10 minutes later Anna pads down the stairs. 5 minutes later guess who else is up.

Nap time can NOT come fast enough today.

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