Thursday, August 11, 2005

3 kids huh???

Wow - today was a killer of a day. I'm seriously thinking of having my head re-examined for allowing myself to be pregnant again. :) Anna is SOOOO busy. I spent all morning trying to get things done - while chasing her down. Then she FINALLY napped and I'm so tired from chasing her around all morning that I didn't do anything.

I've been going to bed by 8pm - and getting up by 630am - this is just not me. This 3 hour time change is kicking my arse.

So - I'm fasting tonight - getting my cholesterol checked tomorrow, and my progesterone levels, my Hcg levels (pregnancy hormone) and have to pee in a cup to check for protein again. That will be a blast.

I'm thinking it's time for bed... I just watched 3 episodes of Real World Austin that I DVRd while we were gone... the one boy - Danny - his mom died. How sad - I cried like a baby!


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