Thursday, August 18, 2005

Julia taught me a great lesson -

The other night I was putting Julia to bed and we were talking about her being too rough with Anna. I was trying to stress that she was the big sister and she needs to be gentle with her. She has to watch out for her and try really hard not to hurt her. I stressed that Anna was just little.

Julia's response "So am I Mommy. I'm just little. I don't always know what to do or whats right. I'm a big little kid"

HOLY COW - she's so right. With her big brain, huge vocab and adolescent emotions I forget that she's 4! She's still a little girl. She doesn't really KNOW all the time - she does still need guidance and to be taught whats right and wrong. She does still need me to point out kindly when she's not behaving.

Look at the big brain on Julia. What a smarty pants. Especially for such a little one.

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