Wednesday, August 24, 2005

WEDNESDAY UPDATE: New beginnings and same old, same old

Let me start off with some happy news - I'd like to Congratulate my good friend Julie who woke me early this morning with the AMAZING news that her water broke (she was 38 1/2 weeks) ... then I later got the phone call that Ethan was born and healthy and mommy was recovering from her c-section well. So - Congrats Julie, Dean, Carson and Jenna - and welcome little Ethan!

My other good news today - I got to talk to my dad!!! Thank God for small blessings. He sounds terrible but amazing all at the same time. He is still trying to comprehend the severity of the accident and he still hadn't slept (this was about 4pm their time!). It was so good to hear his voice. He is very worried about his dogs - but I tried to reassure him we're all doing our best.

There was a small article in the paper today about my parents accident and Gretchen missing. they did not link it to their website other wise I'd share with you! Hopefully this will be a good tool to help find Gretchen. We're going to run an ad about her in the paper as well, and we're trying to get the local news station to cover her absence.

Some more updates from Ben - who is having to fight for info right now: mom is indeed going to have to have surgery on her wrist. A CT scan this morning also showed 2 new contusions (which is an unfortunate change, but not wholly unexpected) on the brain. My dads finger injuries were severe. His right middle finger, highest joint, had a compound fracture and will require surgery and his pinky finger on the same hand is going crushed and will need surgery.

Tomorrow will bring a chest x-ray for my mother since she is having severe chest pain which is most likely from the seatbelt - but we'll see tomorrow. My dad is having more xrays as well.

They are both still stable and hopefully the doctors and nurses can get their pain managed.

Please keep Ben and Mel in your prayers as well, they are very busy running errands, taking care of everything, getting Sweetie Pie set up, supporting my parents, looking for Gretchen and holding this all together.

Thank you again for your support, prayers and kind words during this. We love you!

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