Friday, July 28, 2006

Customer Service is DEAD

We've been asking our postal office and the one here where our mail is (it was forwarded as of 3 weeks ago!!!) and they keep telling us that it can take 5-10 postal days for mail to reach you so they don't want to waste their time verifying the info.... well - FINALLY someone was willing to look up the info in the computer - and sure enough - they messed it up. They have had our mail on FORWARD - but they lost the address - so everything has been sent return to sender. EVERYTHING! This wouldn't be a problem except for the quick nature of our move meant that I wasn't able to notify everyone of our address change. So - we had to file another forward request. UGH UGH UGH It will be 5-10 more postal days till we start receiving that mail. Oh - and guess where Dan's paycheck is. In the mail. :(

Then - the A/C company - I don't want to get into it since it just makes me sooo mad - but 3 weeks later they have not shown up on their 4th scheduled visit. So many levels of customer service/realtors/management are involved in this - it's ridiculous. Essentially the company in question doesn't want to come out because we're "claiming" it's a warranty issue when it isn't. It's the exact same thing that was fixed 3 months ago when it was still under warranty - so it's still covered... they say it's not the same thing - but they haven't come out to look. Even better when the customer service rep from our home builder came to the house to take a look he was shocked since there is an exposed ground wire sticking out of the top of the vents and the there are two wires spliced together and held together with electrical tape. Yeah- they aren't supposed to be that way.

I'm sooo stressed. I hate how complicated everything has to be.

Trying to make a new pediatrician appt for Em's 4 month check up is impossible. They needed her current immunization records before they could set an appointment... WHY??? I don't know. So now they have them, but are waiting for someone to call me back to make the appt. Well - I'm out of town - out of cell distance - all next week.

Oh yeah - Qwest mixed up our change of phone as well - so our phone has been listed as disconnected when anyone called instead of going to voicemail.

SO we have no mail - no phone calls getting to us. Nice.

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