Tuesday, July 11, 2006

On our way...

I wrote this long drawn out blog for today.. but blogg er is a BEE Y OTCH and ate it.

so - quickyupdate. After 2 more days of delays... we're off to Maine. Broken A/C and dishwasher blowout all over my floor and then a vacuum cleaner explosion.... ahhh yes, it's been fun.

We're up North in Arizona and going to get the show on the road tomorrow morning. Dan has been spending a lot of time working - so it looks like our trip is just going to get more and more drawn out.... oh well. We're made of money - and time.


Anna was soooo cute - as we went through the mountains today all we heard was - "Yook mommy, purdy" "yook mommy" "yook mommy!" "ohhhhh - ahhhhh" We went through a tunnel and she squealed with delight. When we got out of it "YEE HAW"

Then we all got cranky. SO we stopped at the hotel. Dinner, swimming and by 9pm 2/3rds of the Doughkids were snoring - and by 10pm Dan joined them. Now it's just me and Emma Leigh. Let's hope sometime in the next 2 hours she's asleep...

Hope to update from at least Amarillo tomorrow... :( Man - who knew it would take us 8 days to get there.


Kelly said...

Thinking of you and sending safe travel vibes!

Dori (Aviva's mommy) said...

Good to hear from you and great chatting tonight. Hope today goes smoother. Safe travels.