Monday, July 24, 2006

Swam the dock!

Julia swam out to the dock - without a life jacket. I thought we were two summers away from that! She and her cousin (well - my cousin's daughter - so whatever that makes her) had a blast jumping off the dock and swimming around.

Anna loved the lake as well. She was trying her hardest to drown - but survived despite herself. Those water wings are a Godsend for kids like her. Yes I know it doesn't take the place of super size adult supervision - but it keeps her face above the water.

Emma enjoyed being manhandled by her extended family. I learned this weekend it may not require a village to raise kids, but it sure is awfully helpful.

It was so nice to only be an hour and a half from my favorite place on Earth. I can't wait to go back this week!

Edited to add pictures...


Dori (Aviva's mommy) said...

WTG Julia that is terrific. And love the pic of Anna she looks so INNOCENT (LOL) there. And Miss Emma is growing and getting so big.

You sound so happy!

Kristen said...

Beautiful pictures! It looks like you are enjoying Maine. :-)
I love the last pic of Em. She is just so darn cute!