Saturday, April 23, 2005

Man-made leather

Ok - I'm looking at these funky shoes in this catalog. They are really cute - bright colors with a palm tree on them - FUN summer shoes. SO I'm reading about them - trying to decide whether they are worth my $19.99 - and come across this "appealing man-made leather". So - does this mean that these shoes are leather made from man - as in human hide - or leather that is made by man - in which case - what other kind of leather is there? I'm pretty sure that while my good buddy Trooper is quite talented in many dog types of skills - such as peeing on objects 2 feet off the ground - eating our clothes and kicking rocks - he's not quite skilled in leather working yet. Just in case you're wondering - I'm going to pass on the shoes - and stick with my $1.94 wal-mart bamboo wonders.

Ok - on that subject - I LOVE these damn sandals from Wal-mart - I now have two pairs of black, 1 pink, 1 teal and 1 red. They are $1.94 each - and SOOO cute. Just had to share.

Julia had soccer today - she did great. Still no goals - but she's come along way - she's actually kicking the ball on a regular basis now. One of the little girls wouldn't leave her alone and kept playing with her hair ties - the WHOLE game. It was hilarious. This little girl also went over and knocked over the opponents goal - about three times. I think she is creatively trying to psyche the other 3 year olds out. "you want a goal - you better hope it's upright buddy!"

So - I'm going for a nap... I woke up with a fever and I'm going to try and snooze while Anna naps - and Julia and Dan wash our van. Then I get to go mystery shop this afternoon. Too much fun, huh?

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