Thursday, April 14, 2005

Sugar fiend and the snot sucker

Snotty noses, hacking coughs - ah -Spring is here... well, actually, summer appears to be here - 90+ degree days but disturbingly under the guise of Spring. So is life in Arizona. April is the end of Spring - the beginning of those days where when you open your front door you are met with the sauna that is the Sonoran Desert.

Yes, this all means that we are slowly recovering from our terrible allergies and the inevitable illness that long term congestion brings! Does this sound exciting... AHHH that's where you are wrong... it is! Julia Gulia (still 4) is now addicted to cough drops because she can sense that there is a tiny bit of sugar involved and it was ALLOWED before. This child loves broccoli and brussel sprouts and carrots - but will hound you for hours if she evens catches a whiff of something with sugar... I can already see her 20 years from now sitting in the dimly lit high school classroom in the early evening, clutching her hot coffee, "My name is Julia, and I'm a sugar fiend."

The Banana is now obsessed with having her nose bulbed out! She went from deep loathing of this rubber suction contraption to pure elation! She actually fell asleep while we were cleaning her sinus cavities last night.

So all - if you need me, you know where to find me: hiding the cough drops and sucking snot!

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