Sunday, April 10, 2005

Tax relief

Ok - as a former accounting assistant you would think I wouldn't have such terrible panic from waiting to hear from my accountant on the status of my taxes. Well - I'm sure you know what I am really getting at.... DO I OWE OR NOT! We relocated this year and I've been terrified that Dan's company has mangled something and we're going to owe this year. I know for certain I will have to sell a kidney to pay the Fed's their due.

So - I sit and anxiously wait for that damn beep of my inbox ... and of course have to suffer through a myriad of freecycle emails and SPAM. Why oh why is the spam targeted at increasing the length of my member (of what? I'm a member of Costco - but somehow that isn't what I think they are getting at) or a miracle drug to help me lose weight - when I obviously am now in the black market for organ sales!!

Guess what - we're in the clear! No need for panic - having our 2nd tax deduction (I mean daughter!) has helped us out and we will get some of our tax payments back!

WHEW! Now I can save that kidney for college tuition!

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