Saturday, April 16, 2005

What a bummer...

I forgot we had soccer stuff to do today - so we missed out on the best part of a garbage sale - the early morning hours! So - we're actually going to repeat the whole deal next Saturday and just have it in the morning.

Strangely enough - we had some good traffic through this afternoon - and sold more than we thought we would. The best part is - we spent our time going through the garage and you can now see the floor in there!

SO - next Saturday morning - more garbage sale fun. Then freecycle the bulk of the leftovers --- then some charity that picks up here will pick up the rest Monday! I can't wait to be able to use our garage. As a reward for getting rid of our crap - my lovely assistant Dan will be buying me a garage door opener to go with our home security system. This house will be a clean, mean, safe house in no time!

No funny stories to report - just happy to be purging stuff! Now if I could just find the inner strength to part with these toys and baby clothes. I just keep telling myself... what if we have a third! ;)

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