Thursday, April 28, 2005

I can see again!!!

Our lives have been interesting recently. Our month long bout of illness stopped a train of purging and decluttering - but we're back on track. It's an exciting process shedding our jumk and making room for new things - hopefully not material things - but things like experiences and *gasp* TIME. Where we're not spending all of our spare time trying to clean and organize our - well - crap.

So - we're moving on to the dining room area - you ask - "what could you possibly accumulate there?" well - it's mounds of craft stuff for Julia. It was very well organized - but allow a 4 year old access to this on a regular basis and it's met it's match. We cleared it out today - have a box for freecycle - a box for a possible garage sale/goodwill and some trash. We moved our old buffet out - and our new buffet in. It looks so nice! All of china and cookbooks fit in - and I have 3 drawers for towels, cookie cutters and baking stuff. I'm thrilled with how it looks. The new table and chairs will be here next week - and we'll have our first room with REAL - GROWN UP furniture! :) Safe for kids and their messes - but real furniture!

K - the best part of this is that I found my glasses. Now - they weren't necessarily lost - I had put them away during the move so they wouldn't get lost or broken... and I did such a good job I couldn't find them again! Low and behold - there they are. A year later - VOILA - sight! I can't believe how bad my eyes have gotten - and may be a key to the long term terrible headaches I've been having. So - I'm walking around the house "I can't believe I can read that, whoa - I can see that!"

So my new mantra is "sight is good, clutter bad"

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