Friday, June 30, 2006
Looking for a rental...
Some of these homes are absolutely amazing - but have the price tags to go along with them. How does $12,000 a month sound??? Yeah - that spectacular.
The ones I'm having a hard time with are the ones just about $300-500 over our budget. They tend to be within view of the ocean - and larger homes. I can just see myself sitting outside on my white Adirondack chair (of course - all these upscale rentals include the obligatory Ad chair with view) looking at the ocean, or bay, or lake, or stream or marsh ... and drinking my beverage of choice and watching the kids play on REAL grass (not the allergy inducing Bermudagrass of our AZ years).
(Notice I didn't mention the snow or bugs - the two big deterrants to this new life of mine)
Idyllic right? And just out of my price range. If you take out the view you end up where we need to be. I guess for the three months I'll be able sit outside comfortably I can look at green stuff instead of blue stuff.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Now - I didn't get anything done except laundry - but having my man come home to the same 3 kids he left is a good compromise - doncha think?
And - he'll be excited to see that Emma's rolling over isn't just a fluke. She does it all the time now. She is under strict orders to slow the hell down though. I don't want her to be one of those freaks of nature who walks at 9 months. She can stay happily content with immobility for at least 8 more months.
Did I mention we will most likely have a house with stairs????? oh my. We're going to have to intall 5 ft baby gates to keep Anna from throwing herself to an untimely death. That's what I want for my anniversary - really, really good baby gates for the stairs.
Ummm - I'm moving across the entire country - well - almost - 2800 miles of country in 8 days.
Has it sunk in yet? Nope. But I did start my lists. You know I'm serious when I start making lists. Packing lists, to do lists, lots and lots of lists. I even have a little moving notebook which lists what's in each box I pack. I'm embarassed to tell you how many boxes that is.
Here's a list for you:
List of things I'll miss about Phoenix:
- December through March
- Being able to pick my own cotton for my clothes from the fields behind my house
- Monsoons - but in the rest of the country you call them thunderstorms
- no smoking in indoor public places
- swimming weather 12 months of the year
- saguaro cactus
- amazing sunsets
- the stars
- new construction
- low property taxes
- living in Tucson ;)
List of things I will NOT miss about Phoenix:
- 118 degree weather
- burning my hands on my steering wheel/sunglasses/car seat buckles
- UV rays that can bore through concrete
- black widows in my backyard, scorpions, brown spiders, lots of poisonious snakes
- fire ants
- new construction
- Did I mention the heat? but it's a dry heat
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
10 unspoken thoughts
Try it yourself - List ten things you want to say to people you know but you never will, for whatever reason. Don't say who they are. Use each person only once:
1. You really hurt my feelings and I couldn't get past it for a long, long time. I thought I hated you, but I don't. I'm glad you are back in my life and I've enjoyed knowing you again.
2. I wish I knew what happened. Our relationship has changed so much. I find myself missing you all the time. Every day used to involve you and now - maybe once a week. That said, I'm just very tired of all of it. Do I say goodbye forever or just wait for the inevitable apology and continue on. I just wish I knew.
3. I spent 15 years hating every part of you but hating myself even more. If you were to cross my path now I no longer think I'd try and hurt you - but look on you with great sympathy. You are so weak, and yet you had the strength to break my spirit. I will never, ever, ever be the same. I am strong again. i know longer fear you, and you no longer haunt my dreams.
4. I wish you could see what you to do yourself. You could find true happiness if you'd just let yourself relax. I know you are so lonely now, and you are such a beautiful person. If you'd believe it - then you'd find the answer.
5. You need help. I wish you could see what you've done to your family and stop drinking. You did so well for so long and then you just started again. I fear that you will die before you stop - but I pray each night that you die before you kill someone else.
6. You make me feel like no one else in the world can. Your smile is amazing and makes me forget everything else in my world.
7. I will forgive you. Someday. it will not be anytime soon, but it will happen. I have to forgive myself first for allowing it to continue for so long.
8. You are an amazing father. I watch you with your son and I am so impressed. You are one of my closest friends and I love you. You are always there to support me and my family.
9. I hate the way I let you make me feel. I'm always questioning myself and I wish i wouldn't let you get to me.
10. I miss you. I miss you so much. I know you had to leave, and I know you are always with me but it hurts sometimes. It hurts to see what you left in such a mess and it hurts to see what you will miss out on. I just plain old miss you. both.
"She's gonna blow!"
I started laughing so hard I had tears streaming from my eyes. I scared the kids I was laughing so hard. Not the outburst they expected.
So - Em wasn't the problem last night. By 10pm she was out. By 11pm Julia was out. By 1230am Anna was just falling asleep. So I fell asleep around 115am Em was up at 5am to nurse and then Anna was up for the day at 8am. No kidding. Em was up at 830a for her 1/2 hour scream post meds - pre nurse routine and Julia was up about 15 minutes later.
So I have 2 cranky kids who are sleep deprived and 1 very cranky mommy. So far Em is the best behaved.
I went back to bed with Em to nurse her and Julia and Anna made me cheese crackers with peanut butter. Awwwww. See - they aren't really evil. Unless of course they poisoned my peanut butter.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Let's just say I'm not productive ...
Anna didn't nap well yesterday or today so you can guess how much packing was done. ummm - NONE. Julia has been crawling out of her skin hyper again...
So it's 10 days till we move across the country and I have a lot left to do. Wow. Packing and kids don't mix. I know other moms with three kids that get stuff done. Why can't I?
I'm hoping tonight is better - but Em is already screaming and it's 930p. I've been working on getting the other girls to bed for 1/2 hour already. They are just wired. I'm not sure anything else will be done.
Well - my 3 minutes of hiding in the den with the door shut is over... I need to go back and tend to the almighty screaming one... and continue to force medium and large fry to go to sleep....
see - no packing in my immediate future...
Monday, June 26, 2006
Another long survey...
2. What is one of the worst things to ever happen to music? I don't know
3. What is your daily hair-care routine? sometimes wash... sometimes a little mousse - not much else except throwing it into a pony
4. Whats the weirdest thing you've ever eaten? rattlesnake
5. Who was your favorite Star Wars character? Yoda, Chewbacca, and possibly the dark man himself
6. Do you read your financial statements? nope
7. What shopping temptation are you physically unable to resist? Cute kid clothes
8. If you were the opposite sex, who would you want to be? Matthew McConaghey
9. Best Disneyland ride? I love it's a small world - great to nurse a baby on and it's in the A/C - but I also like Soarin' at CA Adventure
10. What is your favorite curse word?Fuck
11. What would happen if you used it around your mother?She'd give me the look or tell me not to be so fucking vulgar
12. Do you have any hobbies you hide from your mother? nope
13. Underwear or commando? NEVER go commando
14. Whats the most you've ever paid for a haircut? $185 - but that included color, highlight, cut, product and tip - and still $100 more than I ever thought I'd spend
15. Do you have any superstitions? more than I thought I did. I only pick up pennies that are face up
16. Favorite kind of cheese? medium cheddar
17. On JEOPARDY, which category would you ace? TV or movie trivia
18. How do you know when its time to break up with someone?You just know
19. What would you like to have written on your gravestone? Don't plan to have one - but maybe - "she was a good mom"
20. What was the most memorable phone call of your life? On August 23 - from my brother - that my parents were in a serious car accident
21. Whats the best way to drink a soda? a fountain soda
22. Describe yourself physically? fat and purdy
23. Whos a hotter piece: Lassie or Snoopie? ummm - i decline...
24. If you could intrude in any celebrities dressing room, whose would it be? Maybe Matthew McConaghey again...
25. Whats your favorite legal drug? Margaritas...
26. What song brings you to tears? Butterfly Kisses, Through my Daughter's Eyes...
27. How would you characterize your taste in sex? I've had it
28. Pinkie rings on men: yes or no? NO
29. How do you feel about pornography? It has it's place
30. Soccer players or baseball players? I like them both!!
31. Should people take you seriously? not really - they don't anyway
32. How did you do in art class as a kid?Didn't really do well
33. Are you scared of balding?Not at all
34. What is fairly drunk for you? When I start giggling hysterically
35. How do you avoid getting walloped? I avoid the kinds during their cranky times
36. What would your rap name be?who knows
37. What phrase do you never want to hear again? You're an embarrasment
38. Have you ever had an Americas Funniest Home Videos moment? i'm sure i have
39. How many drinks does it take you to sing Like A Virgin? I dont' have to drink
40. How much ice is too much ice? When it falls out of the glass
41. Worst place you've ever been sick? at work
42. Name a time where you'd strip in front of people? as a kid?
43. Who was your worst boyfriend/girlfriend? Pat B - hands down - Corey D a close second
44. Whats your most materialistic trait? I'm not really materialistic but I'm too sentimental
45. Would you ever star in a Disney Channel show? Of course
46. Whats the secret to living cheap? We're working on it
47. Whats something in the next month you're looking forward to? Actually being in Maine
48. What does your name mean? it has something to do with weedy flowers
49. If you could date someone from a different country, which would it be? Possibly a aussie, I've dated a couple Spanish guys and they are pretty hot
50. Is it because of their accents? yessum
Sunday, June 25, 2006
About me...
I know that I don't know everything
I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky.
I fought for my life once.
I'm angered by ignorance and people who are unkind.
I love my family.
I need to get packing.
I take things for granted.
I hear the signing times video.
I drink a lot of water.
I hate being so tired.
I use a Boppy to nurse Em.
I want to be free from my pack rat tendencies.
I like decluttering.
I feel overwhelmed with emotions.
I wear the same shirt in 9 different colors.
I left my love of Arizona in Tucson.
I do still need to pack.
I hope my children find true happiness.
I dream of the ocean.
I drive Happy Sue.
I listen to Em try to laugh.
I type really, really fast.
I think I need more sleep.
I need to go pack.
I wish I could wiggle my nose like Samantha, and have things packed.
I am well loved, happy, excited, tired, busy, avoiding and did I mention tired?
I compensate for lack of sleep by being cranky, and occasionally drinking caffeine.
I regret not trusting my instincts on a night in 1989.
I care too much sometimes.
I should be packing.
I am still tired.
I said a whole lot, as always.
I wonder how the girls will handle the 5 days in the car.
I changed a lot in the last 2 years. I like myself just fine.
I cry more than I should.
I lose my patience too often.
I leave Arizona in less than two weeks.
Friday, June 23, 2006
It's getting scary...
It's starting to get real. We signed with our realtor today and I have faith we'll have a semi-quick sale. Here's hoping huh? It seems like things are falling into place. Our neighborhood was running super slow (think 90-120 days to sale) but it looks like in the last 2 weeks things are moving... because of this we were able to list our house for 10K more than we were going to have to at the beginning of the month. We'll still be towards the bottom price range for houses on the market - but I think we're in good shape.
My friend Becky (I hope she doesn't mind me posting this!!) lives across the city and I've only seen her once since I moved up here. We have little chicklets the same age (I think they are 1/2 hour apart). She is a realtor and is awesome. We chose to go with a local realtor since the market is so tight right now we needed someone bringing in local buyers and who is selling in our neighborhood right now. I know she would have done a rocking job selling our place though. If you are in Western Phoenix and need to sell or buy a home - check them out!!
I'm really glad we'll be vacating before the house goes on the market. I don't have to worry about chasing after the kids to clean up every 5 minutes and we can get the carpets cleaned and the house cleaned... and it will stay that way.
The packing is going S L O W L Y but coming along. This weekend will be a big push to get things done. We had our babysitter here for one morning this week and that was a huge help. She's gone for the next week and then she'll hopefully be coming back to help right before we go.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
The big smile...

I posted this on my mommy board today - but thought I'd share it here too. I just realized that Emma spends more time sleeping and smiling and being mellow than she does screaming now. I never thought I'd see the day where she'd just sit in her swing and smile at the world.
I took those smiles for granted with Julia and Anna and I'm sooo happy that Em finally has some peace.
Thank God for Prevacid. Thank God my baby isn't in constant pain all the time.
The camera..

Well - after all the deals and discounts and coupons and what not... I have my new camera - a Kodak p850 (I think!). We got a smoking deal on it - cheaper than fixing ours for sure!
It's a lot more camera than I'm used to - but it's great.
So - here are the latest pics - I haven't had much time to tinker with it - but it did fine just out of the box.
Oh my...
It's a good busy though. It's incredibly cathartic. We're are getting rid of things at light speed. Freecycling like a demon. If you don't you should - it's awesome and helps keep things out of the landfills (click here for more info) . It's a great way to get rid of things you no longer need and wouldn't consider donating. Trust me - people want just about anything you have. :)
I have realized that about 80% of my organizational woes are related to paper. I have papers from my childhood. Those I've weeded through and gotten down to a small amount. The papers that are really the problem are the bills/receipts and things that I think I might just need someday. Let me tell you - I don't.
Here are the guidelines I came across - (click here for the whole article)
Tax documents: Save any of the paperwork needed to back up your income tax return for at least four years. The Internal Revenue Service can audit your return for three years after it has been filed — four years after you’ve earned the income.
Some experts say that’s long enough to save W-2 forms, proof of medical expenses, donations and other items for which you may be claiming deductions, and other such items. But other experts say it is wise to retain such records for up to seven years, since the IRS can revisit your filing if it believes there’s been fraud, or that income has been substantially underreported.
Personal papers: Marriage certificates, birth and death records, social security cards and other personal documentation should never be discarded, and should be kept in a safe place.
Investment records: Items like stock certificates can be turned over to a broker for safe keeping. Save brokerage statements, trade slips and similar documents until stock is sold, then follow same guidelines as tax papers to documents taxable gains, said Cindy Hockenberry, tax information analyst at the National Association of Tax Professionals.
Without backup documentation, the IRS will determine the original cost to be zero, greatly amplifying the gains on which tax must be paid. Permanently retain paperwork related to the status of pensions and retirement benefits.
Banking paperwork: Generally, there’s little need to hold on to statements or most canceled checks once they’ve been reconciled. Some experts advise holding on to these for up to a year, some for as little as three months. Save mortgage and loan documents until those loans are repaid.
Bills: Save credit card bills long enough to check for accuracy, ensure you’re credited for returns. Some experts advise retaining them for a year. It is also advisable to retain three months of utility bills, which are frequently required to establish place of residence in applying for a mortgage, library cards and the like.
Pay stubs: Some experts advise retaining these for a year, then discarding and retaining the final stub showing total annual income.
Receipts: Save those for major purchases until warranties expire. Save records of improvements to your home until it is sold, to document the size of the gain that may be taxable.
We are also trying to arrange a furniture pick up. We're getting rid of our couch, a chair, dressers and a bunch of clothes, toys and books.
Oh yeah - and my butt is still falling off. I haven't done a formal weigh in - but when I hopped on the scale I'm losing just fine without workng at it. Amazing what staying busy 18 hours a day will do for you.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
We have a plan...
So - does anyone here have any tips for traveling with 3 kids on a 4-5 day drive across country?
I'm making a book for Julia of maps of where we are going since we've been working on reading maps. I'm also packing a small soft side cooler for them to keep in the back with them so that they can serve themselves.
We're upping our Netflix amount and filling it with kids movies so that we'll be loaded up on new to us DVDs to watch.
What else do you do on long trips?
Oh and while I'm asking for advice, what kind of things do we need to make sure we travel with? What paperwork?
And some more questions.... Advice for traveling with a dog and cat too?
I'm excited about the travel part. I'm excited about the living in Maine part. I'm even getting excited about the packing up part now that we have a plan.
Anyone out there have more tips for me? Moving, traveling, renting related???
Monday, June 19, 2006
Head....explode.... soon....
I think my head might explode.
These are our problems. We have 2 drivers to drive 2 vehicles across the country. I am one of those drivers which means I'm not really one of those drivers. I'm not comfortable driving a 26 ft moving van - nor am I ready to drive 40+ hours without a real break - with three kids in the car - including one that needs to nurse on a regular basis. With both of us driving 8-12 hour days - that doesn't leave one of us to watch the kids while the other one gets some rest at night. We'll both need rest. One night of one of the kids not cooperating with bedtime leaves us with an exhausted driver. Let's just say that's not a good idea. We'd also need a storage unit since our rental won't be available until the beginning of August - and that means another move.
We could use the funds from the sale of our home to pay the price to have someone else drive our stuff out (that we pack) for us. The problem here is that we don't know when the house will sell so we don't know when we'd see our stuff. This would pose another problem in that we're hoping to get into our rental house the middle of August - so we'd need somethings. like furniture and pans and clothes for cool weather. We could ship a small amount of these things there in boxes and borrow furniture - but that could be a rough 30-90-120 days.
Our other option is also not highly feasible since it requires Dan taking even more time off of his new job for moving. That would be for all of us to drive out there in 3 weeks - then after our vacation at Camp at the lake - he could fly back here and load up a van and drive it to Maine. The shortest amount of time he could do this in is 5 days - 1 1/2 days for travel out and packing up and loading and then 3 days for driving and 1/2 day for unloading again.
So - what we need is an extra $2k or a person without a job that is a responsible driver or babysitter. Know anyone???? Any ideas??? Oh yeah - that person also has to want to spend 4 days in a van with 3 kids and a dog. Not looking good? Ohhh come on - you can fly to Phoenix - have a mini vacation - and then get to enjoy the East Coast as well. You could maybe even see the world's biggest ball of twine on the way - or some such damned thing.
Come on..... don't ya wanna????
Sunday, June 18, 2006
So after much bickering I informed Julia that her attitude needed to change or I saw a nap in her future.
What did she do to change her mood? Not watch TV, not play with her toys.. she actually chose to ask her sister for a hug. I'm not kidding.
Since that moment - they have been playing together joyfully with incessant giggling for about 20 minutes. They are taking turns hugging each other, tickling each other and just being silly. Drunk with love. i do see this all ending badly - but for now... it's the kind of moment a mom dreams of for her kids.
Happy Fadda's Day
It's green too - and Daddy loves green! So we bought him a cute golf card, golf towel, and a pair of flip flops with golf balls on them. We also booked him a tee time for this morning at the golf course across the street.
So - last night we gave Dan his present. He was so excited to be going golfing - he was more excited that Julia wrote out the entire card herself. She asked for a little help but did almost all of it by herself. All that writing Happy Birthday has helped her.
So - Happy Father's Day to you guys! Here is some good reading for your day...
The Belt
Friday, June 16, 2006
Done deal!
The saga continues...
blah blah blah
So - later today (Friday) we should be getting word on our new timeline and what lies ahead for the Dough clan on our move across the country. The timeline has been significantly shortened. SIGNIFICANTLY. As in - we all might be living there by the middle of July. I'm scared by that and absolutely thrilled. Maine couldn't be a cooler place to spend this summer. Certainly better than the 115 degree heat here.
Dan is amped about this new company. He really feels good about them and the work they do. I think they are going to be a good fit.
We are just hoping that their plan for our relocation is as generous as they have been so far since we're pretty sure it's not in our budget to pay for both a mortgage and rent.
I'll update ya'll when I know.
Oh yeah. Dan gets to resign from his job today. He is not giving them 2 weeks notice since their new commission policy that conveniently took effect this week states that any commission he has accrued will not be paid out if he voluntary or involuntarily leaves the company. He's going to talk to them about the BIG commission he earned in May since it was before the new policy - but he's not holding his breath. Nothing like working 13-14 hour days for mere peanuts. I know people do it all the time - and you know - God Bless them.
Fingers and toes crossed here.
The 4400....
I think this show is just amazing. I just watched the Unlocking the Secrets wrap up show and I am SOOO excited about watching the new season that started this weekend.
Good stuff
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Mommy bloggin..
She was 30 1/2 lbs (75-90%) and 35 1/2 in (75-90%) so her doctor was happy with her proportions.
SO each kid out of the shoot has gotten bigger and bigger.... Julia never left the 50% for height or weight until she hit 4 and now she's the super tall one. Anna is 75-90% and then there is Em - rocking the scales/tape measure at 90-105%. We must stop this now or we'll end up with kids in the 125-150%. Not good.
It was great to go to a doctor visit with no referrals to a specialist!
Anna had one shot - and didn't even whimper. I was shocked. At her 18 month visit she screamed for 30 minutes straight. This was much easier for mommy!
Julia had a bad day yesterday - she started by peeing on the floor (yeah - she's 5!) and then it only got worse. She was in time out 3 times by 11am - and then ended up spending an hour in her bed before lunch. The doctor had to ask her to listen to me since she was spazzing out and in turn getting Anna spazzed out. Then she got in trouble twice during her swim lessons. She was supposed to stay and swim with her friend at the pool but I made her leave because of her behavior. Last night Dan commented that everyday he comes home and is amazed that she made it through the day. I have to agree. She's taking every single ounce of energy I have - and I don't have much these days. I don't know whether she's getting sick, whether the move is stressing her out (although she says she can't wait to move - and is actually trying to pack her stuff on a daily basis so we can go faster), is bored to tears with hanging with me all day or what exactly is going on. Whatever it is... I'm done.
Then there is Anna - she's actually being an angel. Still getting into trouble but is starting to listen and follow the rules. She asks me to take her for nap time now and goes straight to sleep. We've converted her crib to the toddler bed position and so that's been an adjustment. She loves to fight us on staying in her bed. It just cracks us up. We're at the stage where we just silently put her back in her bed. She goes back in without a fight and is actually rather pleasant about it - but will do it 100 times a night. Then at about 11 (2 hours after we start) she says "night night" and goes to sleep. Last night it was only an hour.
Emma Leigh. I had to jinx it but for the most part she's been doing much better. Last night she had terrible gas and was up every 2 hours - but just fussy - not screaming in pain. Much more tolerable. During the day she's quite pleasant. She still has a colicky time of evening where she wants to be held and nurse or she lets us have it - but right now we are at a pretty good place with her. It only took 3 months.
Dan is still waiting to hear back on his counter offer since his contact is out of the office this week. His current job just changed their commission policy so that he will not take his accrued commission from this month if he leaves - so he wants out ASAP since he's essentially working for peanuts oh - and filling the gas tank every 2 days - which isn't pretty with gas at $3.
That's about it. Just mostly waiting. Meeting with realtors.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Bikini weather...
Spending an hour at the local Y pool give a sense of what should and should absolutely never, ever be in a bikini.
now - I'm all for women loving themselves. I'm all for women being proud of what they have. But damn - if you look like THAT in a bikini - then don't wear one is all I'm saying. So you aren't a little toned - go for it. So your belly isn't super taut and firm - go for it. But if you can't actually keep your belly IN your bikini or OFF of it - you might need to move up to the full length tankini or one peice. Sorry. It's just the way it is. Please?
This is what I saw, and damn do I wish I had a camera phone - or at least a working digital camera on days like this. I think if your gut is hanging down below the bottom bikini - then you deserve having your picture taken and posted on the internet. Dats all.
I saw a woman who from the back looked all normal. from the front - DAMN! I said DAMN! Her belly had 2 rolls - laying on top of each other. The bottom one was a good inch or two over the bottom bikini. I was scared for the small ties on the side of her bikini. Dear God - what if they spring open. Small children in floatie suits would be scarred for life. Think of the kids lady, think of the kids!
Then another lady - who was maybe 250 lbs. You guessed it - in a bikini. Well - sort of in a bikini - mostly out of her bikini.
Yet another gripe - what is with the pre-pubescent and newly pubescent crowd wearing tiny, next to nothing bikini's? I couldn't believe some of the 10-14 year old girls with those little NEWBIE BOOBIES in little halter top bikinis with tiny bottoms. Where are the parents? One girl had damn near a thong on. Couldn't have been a day over 15. Not old enough to drive - but old enough to have her ass sticking out.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Taking the job....
Ummmmmm... the wait again? We've been waiting since February on this company. Obviously if they come back with one hell of an offer it will be discussed, but I think it's very clear after the interviews that Dan knows where he needs and wants to be... and that's with company #2.
They were able to take Dan's concerns and come up with creative (good news in a marketing firm to have creative thinkers) solutions. They wanted him and made sure they weren't going to let him go. They have an account ready for him and he's going to be able to jump right in and go at it. They have a clear path for upward mobility for him.
Couldn't have asked for more.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
We're moving to Maine!!!
Benefits start day 1 - which is in 2 1/2 weeks!! They are going to have him telecommute from AZ until our house sells. oh - did I mention they are giving us a relo bonus? :) oh - and they are going reimburse him for this trip. All good. Now we need to start hoping that the house sells quickly so we can get out there. The company will wait until September/October if they have to - but we'd like to be looking at July!
So - now we wait to see if #1 comes up with something better, although they have some stiff competition!
Yeah for Dan. He rocks.
Now just waiting....
#3 really liked him, but they aren't looking to hire until later in the summer (which Dan knew). She said she'd love to get him hired. :) Apparently he just needed to get his booty out there!
SO - apparently he's looking at 2 offers!! One from #1 and one from #2.
Both are open to when he would start - #1 is looking more in August and #2 is looking more at mid-july. Either works for us!
I'm soooo proud of him. And hesitantly excited!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Em's 2 month check up
Back to Em - apparently she's apparently huge. She's 12 lb10 oz which puts her in the 90% for weight, and she's 24 1/2 inches long which puts her off the chart for height. They measured her 3 times to make sure.
We're still waiting on a referral to a ped GI for her reflux, so hopefully the end of June or in July we can get that done.
BUT - of course a visit for Em is hardly one without issue... she no longer is jaundices, still has the heart murmur, still has reflux although we'll find out for sure why and what kind after the GI, but yes - another issue. It appears her legs are of significantly different length (at the moment it looks like a good inch difference). Hopefully it will just be a hip issue that will resolve itself, but the doctor unfortunately doesn't think that's it since her hips rotate freely on both sides, but we're doing a hip scan to make sure. If that's not it we'll go from there. It may not sound serious - but it means a life of knee, hip and back problems for her. Expensive medical shoes and possible surgeries. No mom wants that for their kid. We'll see as she gets older whether it gets better or worse. it could be a sign of other issues, but as my mom says "we'll not worry about that until we have something to worry about".
So - that's it. We're supposed to just keep on keeping on for now.
Dan's busy day...
His interview with #1 went great. It was 3 1/2 hours and he interviewed with the entire department. They pretty much left him with the belief he is just waiting for an offer. There is some debate as to whether to bring him on as management or at the senior management level. She said she is putting something together and will try to get it to him before he leaves, but Wednesday close of business at the latest. That sounds like offer to me.
Dan' meet and greet interview with #2 went VERY well. He had a phone call from them and they guy said he is really excited to meet Dan tomorrow so that he can stop interviewing... ;). He also said that this entire company is a bunch of former #1 employees. He'll find out tomorrow why they left #1. OH - and when Dan said he could interview at 8am - but would have to leaby by 930am since he has an interview in New Gloucester - they guy knew exactly who he was interviewing with - and said they were great people and they were a great marketing firm.
Then he has his interview with #3 after his interview with #2.
He also talked to a big telecom company about a sales job like what he's doing now... and was pretty much offered a job on the spot. They told him to call them back when he knows what date he can start and they'll get him going.
He also has to call back his contact at that one sales job... they are playing tag. He's hoping to meet with her tomorrow - but he's running out of time.
SO - it sounds like this trip was a great venture for dan and a super ego boost. I just hope it's a big fat success too. I'm looking for one good offer - but can you imagine him getting 3!!???
oh - he has also learned a lot more about the town and it seems that it is a great little town for marketing. There are 40 marketing firms there and 10 of them are very well known national groups. It's kind of a little marketing hub. :) He loved it there, loved the corporate culture at the offices he stopped by. Good day all around. Plus - Joanna bought him dinner (fish and chips... yum!), he's a good date.
He dropped off about 30 resumes today - so he was busy. Mostly to marketing firms - but also to a couple sales jobs.
So -thanks for all your prayers and support... they appear to be working. At least we know that he was meant to get out there and interview. We also know without a doubt we want to live there. That's a good feeling.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
It's that time of year again...
It's freaking hot. Record breaking hot. 113 degree hot. Burn a layer or two of skin off your bare feet hot.
Get it - IT'S HOT!
I live in Arizona it's supposed to be hot. That doesn't mean I have to like it all the time. I love A/C. I love that it's not humid.
BUT - let's take a collective sigh of that lung burning dry air and get over it already. Especially those of you who can't talk about anything else but how hot it is.
Have you ever noticed how people naturally argue about their weather - or use it as a bragging point?
"Oh - it's 115 degrees there? IT's only a beautiful 80 degrees here - so SUCK IT!"
ummmm really? Did you control the weather? just because your friend is rocking a hot new pair of jeans that she looks fab in - you are gonna beat her down with THE WEATHER????? sad my friends just sad.
Living in AZ it goes both ways - people whine and complain when they are buried to the navels in ass freezing snow that they wish they could live here ... then in the summer they laugh those same asses off as we hide inside by our A/C vents.
Yeah - well it may be 115 degrees here - but at least it's cool enough at night to go out and get bit by a black widow!
Sunday Six

Jack (Kelly's son and Julia's little buddy) over at Missing JT Snow wants to know (and Julia's answers):
1. Do you have a Kitty? umm yes, Callaway
2. Why do bears roar? cuz their afraid, is that right
3. Why do lollypops have sugar? umm I don't know
4. Why do girls wear earrings? cuz they want to look beautiful
5. Why do girls have make up and all girl's stuff? Cuz they want to look pretty. Is this right? All these questions?
6. What is a box? a box is a brown thing that is a square shape or a rectangle shape (smarty pants)
"I wish there were 7 questions today. 'How do you dance' ok - I don't want that question. I want 'How do you actually walk?' My answer is move your feet forward and forward for walking."
DId you play? If so - stop by and let Kelly know!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
giving up
When Dan mentioned to his MBA group (3 other people) that he wasn't going... they all jumped on him as to why. Dan is a little less tacky than (Ok - a lot!!) I am - and just mentioned it was a funding issue but it was ok. Within seconds they arranged the money for him. One volunteered Dan his credit card to use, one offered to Western Union him money on Monday and his friend that is here in town offered to have him swing by on his way to the airport to pick it up. Can you believe it? How awesome is that? Dan (also in addition to not being tacky - is a proud kind of guy) so he couldn't accept it as a gift. He has written her a post dated check and is giving her (mine - but I support the donation to this worthy cause) a $50 Spa Finder gift certificate as a Thank you.
I can't put into words all I've learned in the past 5 months - but I'm going to do my damndest to try.
When my baby shower that my good friend Joanna so generously hosted for me fell through - a group of my friends from out of town threw me a cyber shower with a generous gift certificate. Then another time things were tough, the same friends rounded up donations to pay for a couple of bills. It's hard for me to admit this, especially in such a public forum - as accepting charity is a hard thing on the pride. But I want to celebrate them. Our friends stood by us through the darkest times of the past 6 months.
Even now when with our decision to move, our friends have supported us in every way imaginable. With motivation, support, research, advice and reassurance. Just like always.
As part of the depression I suffer from, I often feel lonely in this world. These people out there constantly force their way into my head and shake me from those feelings. They send me cards, emails and love.
We are so blessed to be surrounded by people who love us enough to offer of themselves. I like to believe that in our more fortunate times we have been generous to those around us and those in need, and that perhaps our friends have been given to us as some sort of cosmic reward.
Dan's friends believe in him. They believe in him so much they are financially supporting him. That is amazing. They want him to go to and follow his dreams. They know he's going to knock their socks off.
It had to end sometime...
It's the oldest story in the book. We just plain old ran out of money. With unexpected medical bills that HAD to be paid, expensive prescriptions to fill and another pricey doctor's appt this week - we just don't have the money to pay for a hotel and car rental.
He had 3 interviews lined up but he's going to have to reschedule for the end of July when the commission check shows up. I'm upset because it pretty much ruins our chance of having a job lined up for our move which would have taken the stress out of the situation, but it just wasn't meant to be.
I feel bad for Dan since he worked his ass off to line up these interviews with top notch firms. Thanks for your supportive emails and for thinking positive thoughts for him... we'll tuck them away for the next opportunity.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Like mother, like daughter
Yesterday I learned just how much like me she is. I've been told all my life what a, ummm, curious (read troublemaker here) kid I was. While my mom was feeding my newborn brother - my under two aged self decided to scale a chain link fence and try to jump off the diving board into our neighbors pool. If we had a pool - Anna would already be dead.
After nap time she went into the playroom and was quietly reading books like she's been doing for weeks now. I sat down and nursed Emma Leigh. Anna came in after about 20 minutes and gave me a hug and told me her foot hurts. I looked at her foot and kissed it but saw no injury. THen I realized how warm and sweaty she was. Oh no. After Sunday nights hallucinations I was concerned she was sick. I put Em down (of course this means screaming) and got the thermometer to take Anna's temp. 97.9 - just like always (we're a family of low temps). Weird. I even thought to myself that maybe she was playing outside. It felt like she had been warmed by the sun. The back door was closed and locked. I never heard it open and being a slider - you can hear it when it opens.
Then about an hour later Anna and Julia were playing Polly Pockets in her room. I sat down to nurse Screamer again. Within 10 minutes Julia comes into the room and sits down and is talking to me. I asked her where her shadow is (Anna always seems to be just a second behind her) and she said she didn't know. Anna left the room right after I did. So - once again I put down Em to more screaming. I look in her little book nook and she's not there. Not in my room, not in the bathroom... no where... then I notice the back door is open just a crack.
She's outside in bare feet. Where you might ask? How about on the top rung of the ladder on the playset trying to grab the monkey bars (which she's 2 feet to short to grab). Now she's crying and saying "help momma, can't reach".
Yep. She's my girl.
We all fall down...
I guess it's a sign we're not as organized or decluttered as we though with how quickly the house fell to ruin again. Dan's in the final 2 days of his big project for his MBA so he's been buried in the books and computer. I've been pacing the house with Em alternating with being stuck on my duff nursing her.
Anna and Julia are acting as if they have never had parents. They are thick as theives. Theives that break into your house and tear it apart kind of theives.
Wonders never cease...
Dan contacted the top 5 marketing firms he'd like to work for, letting them know he'd be in town to interview and sure enough... three of the five have contacted him to set up interviews for when he's in town.
He's so excited. I'm so excited. Julia's excited because she can sleep in my room. Anna and Em say Eh?
Thursday, June 01, 2006
ooohhhh yum
Dan is flying out to Maine to interview with the company he originally interviewed with back in February. Can you believe it???!!!
Dan talked with his contact from February last week and she let him know that she was promoted and not recruiting anymore but that she really loved him for the position and she wanted him to contact her replacement.
Well - the replacement called today and said although she really thinks he'd be a good fit they aren't recruiting nationally for the position (aka - no relo money). When he told her that we're relocating to the area - she SQUEALED and set him up for some interviews.
so cooool. Even if they don't pay to move us out there - moving out to a job Dan would love would take 90% of my stress away!
So - fingers and toes crossed please!