Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Let's just say I'm not productive ...

I'm telling you these kids are working against me. After a week of pretty great times with Em - now that it's crunch time and I need to get stuff done - she's cranky, high needs baby again. I was up with her until 2am - then she was up at 5am, then 7am and then 9am when the other two got up. Then of course she sleeps like a dream until noon.

Anna didn't nap well yesterday or today so you can guess how much packing was done. ummm - NONE. Julia has been crawling out of her skin hyper again...

So it's 10 days till we move across the country and I have a lot left to do. Wow. Packing and kids don't mix. I know other moms with three kids that get stuff done. Why can't I?

I'm hoping tonight is better - but Em is already screaming and it's 930p. I've been working on getting the other girls to bed for 1/2 hour already. They are just wired. I'm not sure anything else will be done.

Well - my 3 minutes of hiding in the den with the door shut is over... I need to go back and tend to the almighty screaming one... and continue to force medium and large fry to go to sleep....

see - no packing in my immediate future...

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