Saturday, June 03, 2006

It had to end sometime...

Well - as nice as it would be, Dan's not going to be able to go to Portland for the interviews. He's disapointed but made the best decision for his family.

It's the oldest story in the book. We just plain old ran out of money. With unexpected medical bills that HAD to be paid, expensive prescriptions to fill and another pricey doctor's appt this week - we just don't have the money to pay for a hotel and car rental.

He had 3 interviews lined up but he's going to have to reschedule for the end of July when the commission check shows up. I'm upset because it pretty much ruins our chance of having a job lined up for our move which would have taken the stress out of the situation, but it just wasn't meant to be.

I feel bad for Dan since he worked his ass off to line up these interviews with top notch firms. Thanks for your supportive emails and for thinking positive thoughts for him... we'll tuck them away for the next opportunity.

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