Monday, June 05, 2006

Em's 2 month check up

Emma Leigh had her big 2 month check (so she's 3 weeks late - better late than never). She did great with her 4 pokes in her thighs, screamed like a banshee as they went in - but calmed down right after. I sure the hell hope Anna does as well next week for hers. Last time wasn't so pretty.

Back to Em - apparently she's apparently huge. She's 12 lb10 oz which puts her in the 90% for weight, and she's 24 1/2 inches long which puts her off the chart for height. They measured her 3 times to make sure.

We're still waiting on a referral to a ped GI for her reflux, so hopefully the end of June or in July we can get that done.

BUT - of course a visit for Em is hardly one without issue... she no longer is jaundices, still has the heart murmur, still has reflux although we'll find out for sure why and what kind after the GI, but yes - another issue. It appears her legs are of significantly different length (at the moment it looks like a good inch difference). Hopefully it will just be a hip issue that will resolve itself, but the doctor unfortunately doesn't think that's it since her hips rotate freely on both sides, but we're doing a hip scan to make sure. If that's not it we'll go from there. It may not sound serious - but it means a life of knee, hip and back problems for her. Expensive medical shoes and possible surgeries. No mom wants that for their kid. We'll see as she gets older whether it gets better or worse. it could be a sign of other issues, but as my mom says "we'll not worry about that until we have something to worry about".

So - that's it. We're supposed to just keep on keeping on for now.

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