Friday, June 30, 2006

Looking for a rental...

Let me tell you - it's hard to keep your eyes in your price range when looking for a house rental in Maine. We're pretty sure the one we want to go with - but we're going to wait until I can see them to decide for sure.

Some of these homes are absolutely amazing - but have the price tags to go along with them. How does $12,000 a month sound??? Yeah - that spectacular.

The ones I'm having a hard time with are the ones just about $300-500 over our budget. They tend to be within view of the ocean - and larger homes. I can just see myself sitting outside on my white Adirondack chair (of course - all these upscale rentals include the obligatory Ad chair with view) looking at the ocean, or bay, or lake, or stream or marsh ... and drinking my beverage of choice and watching the kids play on REAL grass (not the allergy inducing Bermudagrass of our AZ years).

(Notice I didn't mention the snow or bugs - the two big deterrants to this new life of mine)

Idyllic right? And just out of my price range. If you take out the view you end up where we need to be. I guess for the three months I'll be able sit outside comfortably I can look at green stuff instead of blue stuff.

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