Friday, March 03, 2006

Hanging my head in shame....

Yes. It's true. I sent my man in the middle of the night on a food run. I've only done it two other times this pregnancy - both for a Croissant Egg Sandwich from Jack in the Box.

This time... I'm making up for lost time. Since I've spent the last three days in the bathroom and had little to eat/drink other than water and popsicles to try and stay hydrated, I'm really, really, really hungry.

So, I saw a picture of the beautiful Heidi Klum holding a carton of gorgeous crispy McDonalds fries (which I haven't wanted at all this pregnancy)... and started to crave those crazy curly fries from Jack in the Box... and ummmm. the bacon cheddar potato bite things... and um.... a fish sandwich thingy...

the calories alone are more than I usually take in throughout one day, and the sodium - geez... I feel my blood pressure meds getting a work out already.

but indeed, I await my knight in shining armor.

(Oh - and I will share with him... but I'll have some of everything!!)

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