Friday, March 10, 2006

Well - it's that time....

I had my appt yesterday and things are optimal for the big inducement tomorrow... I've started dilating (to 3cm) and having decent contractions on a regular basis.

Julia is as hyper as can be, she's talking non stop... hopping and jumping and all in all - just being spastic! She can't wait to see her grandparents and have a new little sister.

I'm in full blown nesting mode... cleaned the pantry, cleaned the master bedroom closet... did some crafting... now I'm going to make sure all the bags are packed and we're ready to go.

So - tomorrow I could be the mom to three little girls. WOW. I call the L&D at 730a to see if they have room for my inducement. Wish me luck that I can get in!


Anonymous said...

So excited!
So excited!
So excited!
So excited!
So excited!
So excited!
So excited!
So excited!
So excited!

Oops! Looks like I'm a little spastic too! I'm just so excited to welcome you into the three little girlies club!

Kirdy said...

Push her out, shove her out, waaaaaaaaay out!

Best of luck and we can't wait to meet her!

Jojo said...

Yay!!! On the first beautiful rainy day of the year. What a great day to have a baby!

*hugs* and easy labor vibes!