Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I think this stuff is straight from Heaven....

Now - I'm not complaining - but man is this kid ever throwing us for a loop!!

After 2-3 days of her screaming at every opportunity sporadically placed with 1/2 hr - 2 hour naps and lots of eating... we were ALL bruised and beaten down. All of us were tired and cranky and not enjoying life with our darling little one. Anna was even cranky, and you just have to know how desperate things are when she's out of sorts.

So - the remedy? Apparently gripe water is the coolest thing EVER. Being the Nervous Nellie I am, I only gave her 1/2 of the recommended dose. She appeared to be much better for a couple hours after. We followed that up with two more of the 1/2 dose (which she spit out). Then right before bed we managed to get another dose down with no problems.

This kid is transformed. She slept from 2a-9a. Yes, I broke down and had to wake her up then to nurse her - but she's been a different kid all day. Sleeping comfortably alternating with peaceful alert times.... you know - like a normal newborn.

Did I mention that I'm a new mommy having had 7 hours of sleep!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Het said...

Ahhhh - so many questions - so little time! ;)

Gripe water is colic's enemy. my Southern pals turned me on to this - and I don't know if it works for long - but it's working for now and that's all I can do is live hour to hour!