Thursday, March 16, 2006

It ain't easy being yellow...

Emma Leigh is a quite stylish shade of yellow. Unfortunately - her eyes turned yellow overnight so she is off to the doctor this afternoon. CRAP.

She was up almost all night alternating between nursing and screaming her bloody fool head off. The nursing thing is good because that will help with both her weight drop and the jaundice... the nursing thing is bad because that means I had a baby attached from around 3am - 10am - pretty much continuously. I know she's getting plenty to eat because everytime she chooses to detach momentarily from the boob - there is milk everywhere.... yes, even after 7 hours of nursing.

Oh yeah - the other bad part of nursing for that long - is that now that I haven't nursed for 2 hours - ummmm - I have the biggest boobs in the history of big boobed people. Not kidding. And they have that attractive "just stuffed with huge implants" rock hard look. I have to say though - if they didn't hurt so damn bad, I'd consider keeping this as my look... my boobs haven't been this perky and upright in years!

So - now I need to get showered, get three kids dressed and head off to see the doctor over an hour away because Emma Leigh's doctor is on vacation.

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