Saturday, March 25, 2006

So sleep

Now - when is it TOO much sleep? Of course I'm not talking about me. Emma Leigh has been teasing me. She slept ALL day, after making sure that I didn't get any sleep last night - and that her Dad was gone today so sleeping was again just out of my grasp. I think she's been awake for 1/2 hour total all day. I think she's even mastered eating while she's asleep.

Is this normal? Don't worry - I'm not trying to change the situation - I just want to know at almost 2 weeks what qualifies as normal newborn sleep and what is lethargy.

She even sleeps well at night - it's just that at night she sleeps in 1/2 hour to hour chunks of time and then wants to nurse. She eats frantically for 5-10 minutes then falls back asleep. I get her settled in her bassinet, wait 5 minutes to make sure it's for real - then settle in. It takes me 15 minutes to fall back asleep and by the time I'm sleeping again it's 15 minutes till she's up and ready to go again. Oh yeah - letting her cry it out is not gonna happen - especially not at this age.

Now - lookee here - you need to look no further than my last post to see I'm not asking for advice - I just want to be reassured that her excessive sleeping is normal.

She's sleeping, so that's my cue to try and get some sleep myself.

Oh yeah - here's a funny story. Anna wanted me to cuddle with her to take her nap - as per our normal routine. "momma, night night??" I told her that as soon as Daddy got home from teaching we'd go take our nap. He wasn't in the door for 10 seconds before she had a hold of my hand and was dragging me into the bedroom for naptime. "ok momma, night night, NOW". She cuddled with me for all of 1 minute before she was snoring. Gotta love a girl who knows what she wants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Considering the fact that none of my girls were good sleepers, I hardly think of myself as an expert on this but I have heard that all babies do is sleep, eat and poop. Based on that, I'd say she's fine.

(I'm just crossing my fingers that she didn't keep you up all night last night to balance things out. That's certainly what my little darling would have done!)