Sunday, March 26, 2006

Sunday Six - Sleepovers and Vacations

Miss Kelly over at Missing JT Snow has us asking our kidlets all kinds of questions.
Here are Julia's answers to the Sunday Six!
1. What is a sleep over?
A sleepover is when your friend is coming over to sleep.
2. What do you take with you to a sleep over?
A sleeping bag and a pillow
3. What is vacation?
a vacation is when you go on an airplane and go or drive
4. What do you do on vacation?
if you go to maine or michigan or disneyland you get to go to a swimming pool at the hotel and you get to go in Michigan to my cousins house.
5. What do you do after a sleep over?
"you have breakfast, and then you have lunch and then you have dinner"
6. Do you like vacation?
"Yes I do"

1 comment:

Kelly said...

This kid needs another trip to Disneyland! ;) Love it -thanks for playing! Hope you are managing 3 girls well!