Wednesday, March 01, 2006

nothing at all...

With as busy as we are it's funny I don't have more to share. We're pretty much just in the final stages of baby preparation (although I still don't believe she's coming!!), trying to get the house in good shape before she comes, decluttering and getting ready for the big garage sale on Friday/Saturday.

We have everything we need for her now - I just need to wash the cloth diapers and we'll be completely set. My friend let me borrow her Ameda breast pump - and the hygeine kit for it is coming tomorrow or Friday - so I'll be able to pump and let Dan and Julia share in the feeding fun. Her clothes are washed and folded and put in her little drawers... the stroller is assembled, the car seat is purchased and installed in the van. My bag is almost packed. The only big things left to do is finish the girls 'big sister" shirts and pack their bag of fun stuff to do while we're doing the baby thing at the hospital.

My last OB appt is supposed to be tomorrow and my OB will be scheduling my inducement for next week. It's time!

We just have to get through this weekend of garage sales, birthday parties (Happy 6th bday Maddy!) , birthday dinners (Happy 30th birthday Dan!) and cleaning.

Dan had a job interview today with a local BIG company and it was promising. Hopefully he'll hear back from them next week as promised.

Sorry to be such a bore - but quite frankly - I have all the excitement I can handle right now!

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