Tuesday, March 14, 2006

TA DA....

She's here!

After a fun 12+ hours of labor - Miss Emma Leigh Clare has joined the Doughkids!

She's a fiesty one and a good mix of her two big sisters. She has dark wavy hair like her big sister Julia did (but Emma Leigh has it all over her head!) and big blue eyes like new big sister Anna!

She narrowly escaped an extra day in the joint when they discovered at discharge that she's jaundiced. I guess it's rare within the first 24 hours. So she had everyone scurrying around to determine her levels and proper treatment... but the good news is we were able to leave after proving we had an apointment with her pediatritian tomorrow.

Details, details... she was 8lb 2 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. She was my biggest baby yet - and I'm glad we didn't go to March 26 - she would have been 9+ plus pounds. OUCH!

So without further ado... Miss Emma Leigh


Anonymous said...


She's absolutely beautiful and even with that dark hair there is no denying that she's a Dough kid.

Welcome to the world little Emma Leigh (love the name!) and tell your mommy I'm sorry if I messed up her stat counter by refreshing a bajillion times a day since Saturday.

moe berg said...

and still time to get to a computer.

nice work.

Kelly said...
