Thursday, May 18, 2006


Tonight I gave the girls their home-made (yep - homemade baby!) applesauce to start dinner. I went back over to the kitchen and was draining the pasta when Julia took Anna's hands to say Grace.

These girls are OBSESSED with thanking the Lord. Everynight Julia or Anna will remind us to say Grace (Anna says "hol hands? k?"). Julia has gotten quite good at it and some nights brings tears to our eyes.

Anna always ends us up with a laugh - she finishes grace with "Oh man" instead of "amen". So tonight while I was draining the noodles I hear this.

Julia - "Thank you God for this food, and my family, and my sisters and take care of us. Amen"

Anna - "oh man"

Julia - "no - it's AAAAAAAAAA - MEN. Say A"

Anna - "A"

Julia - "ok - say Amen"

Anna - " A oh man"


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