Friday, May 19, 2006

Off to the doctor we go....

Seriously - you just can't ever get too relaxed about life with Em. We were in a great pattern. She'd nap from 7-9p nurse on and off until 11p or midnight and then sleep until 5am. nurse again and then sleep until I had to wake her up at 9a to drop Julia off at preschool.

Yeah - not so much. Yesterday she woke up at 5am but didn't go back to sleep - and cried on and off until noon. The rest of the day appeared normal except for the hysterical screaming fits - where she grabs the sides of her face and just screams. weird.

Last night - another story. She slept from midnight until 1215a when Trooper decided instead of walking around the bed to walk OVER the bed and when he jumped down he made a racket and woke her back up. Then she fell asleep again about 20 minutes after that -was back up at 2am. Then 330a. She's now fighting me when she's nursing - weird for her. Then Julia came in our room. Then Em was up at 445a and then Anna started screaming the "oh crap, that doesn't sound good scream". SO into bed with me she came. She spent the next 3 hours whimpering on and off. Not sure what that's about - I'll deal with that when she wakes up. Em decided that sleeping laying down isn't going to work. So - I sleep sitting up until she gets up at 8a. I give her the medicine. She has another screaming fit - and I realize she's not holding the side of her face - but her ears. CRAP. I put her in her swing to make some phone calls - she sleeps fine, upright of course.

Let's recap... not sleeping well - especially when flat. Screaming and pulling on her ears. Fighting while nursing (pulling away, frantically trying to suck then pulling away again - more crying).

Needless to say that we're headed to town to see the doctor for a possible ear infection. It's Friday - Julia's recital is tomorrow night. This mommy's not messin around.

*Edited to add that Em is fine. She has some nasty ulceration from the Gentian Violet and thrush and it's definitely painful. Em is definitely not happy about it - as she is literally pulling her hair out as she grabs her ear (which she cut open by grabbing it) or her hair when she's having a screaming fit. Poor, poor baby. She's on Tylenol for 48 hours and it seems to be helping a bit. She's also being referred to the pediatric GI for a battery of tests for her reflux. No ear infection. That's good.

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