Saturday, May 27, 2006

Just a little busy....

Whew - today has been busy. I spent most of the morning scrubbing the baseboards through out the house. washed all the floors. We washed down the walls and next weekend we'll be painting. Dan has been cleaning up the kitchen and we finished organizing the cabinets. Julia and Anna helped by putting toys away and playing nicely together.

Tonight we're going to get started on the garage... and tomorrow afternoon our friend Daryn, super babysitter extraordinaire, will be here to play with Anna and Julia (oh - who am I kidding... she's going to keep them out of our hair for a couple of hours!), and again on Monday while we get some more done out there.

Next week our first batch of donations are being picked up, and for the things we can't bring ourselves to donate... people will be scouring our driveway for freecycle goods.

Dan is finishing up his MBA final project.

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