Wednesday, October 19, 2005

A - Age when you moved out: 18 then 19 then 22 :)
B - First REAL boyfriend - Jon McCollister
C - Chore You Hate: Dishes
D - Dad's Name: Daniel
E - Essential Make-Up Item: Mascara?
F - Fave Actress: Jodie Foster is pretty amazing
G - Gold or Silver: like silver but usually allergic - so Gold
H - Heritage: German
I - Instruments You Play: I used to play the cello
J - Job Title: Domestic Engineer
K - Kids: Julia and Anna Bella and baby on the way
L - Living Arrangements: Live at home with da man Dan, Julia, Anna - currently 3 dogs, 1 cat and 4 fish...
M - Mom's Name: Karen
N - Number of TV's in your house: 3
O - Overnight Hospital Stays: 4
P - Phobia: I don't like snakes or spiders all that much - but not really a phobia
Q - Quote You Like:
R - Religious Affiliation: non-denominational - but believe...
S - Siblings: One brother - Benjamin
T - Time You Wake Up: ideally 9am! ;)
U - Unique Habit:
V - Vegetable You Refuse to Eat: I've never been willing to try Okra... like most everything - except canned veggies
W - Worst Habit: Lazy... yell too much
X - X-Rays You've Had: shoulder, arm, chest, hip - 2 MRA's, 3 CT scans
Y - Yummy Food You Make: lasagna, beef stew, chili, chicken enchiladas
Z - Zodiac Sign: Taurus

1 comment:

Jojo said...

Okra -- not so good. We made it the other day. It tastes like zucchini but has a yucky starchy stickiness to it. BLEH!