Tuesday, October 18, 2005

More potty fun...

The BEST part of potty training - talking with your pooping kid! Ususally I'm lucky enough to have a pooping kid and a non-pooping kid in the bathroom at the same time. Right now we are spending our potty time talking about animals and animal noises - so that's fun. What noise does a duck make "kack kack kack kack...." :)

I have finally determined what language Anna speaks... "Nell-ese" - you know "TAAAAYYY IN DA WAAAANNNN?" (clarification - from the movie Nell - with Jodie Foster...) Her countenance is very sing song - and sometimes she throws a recognizable word in - but for the most part she can talk for 20 minutes and it sounds very much like a conversation - and ALMOST recognizable - but just not quite.

Also fun to do during potty time - is reading. She definintely gets that from her daddy. We have a 5 minute video of her reading her Dora the Explorer book to us... :) Very funny!

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