Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Let me tell you about Anna Bella Elise (m)

My little peanut is almost 17 months old. She is such a fun, cranky, busy little girl. She now sports a super short little spiky do, courtesy of her sister - that suits her sassy little tude.

She is becoming more and more loving - giving hugs and kisses and cuddles all the time. That's LOTS of fun. Oh yeah - did I mention the headbutts of love?? painful - but she does it with love! REALLY!

She's starting to talk more and more and using words to get what she wants. Thats fun - words she uses often - "juju"= Julia "up" "down" "ball" "ba pack"=backpack (yes from Dora) "Dora" "hi" "bye bye" "sweeetie" I know theres more - but it's hard to remember them all!

We bought this cute little ghost doorbell for Halloween and when you press it (bear with me - this is really an audio thing...) it goes BOO - ooooooohhhhhhahhhhhhhhh ooooooohhhhhh (think ghosty noises)... so Anna LOVES LOVES LOVES this thing. She pushed the button probably 300 times the other night. Everytime she does it she imitates the ghost sounds and wiggles her little fingers next to her head like she's trying to scare you. It is HILARIOUS!!!!

She likes to walk around the house singing the "backpack" song from Dora the Explorer (who she LOVES) and the only word you can really understand IS backpack - but we recognize the tune.

She loves to dance - and she imitates EVERYTHING her sister does. Coughs, sneezes, laughs, yells - it's funny.

She also watched LIttle Einstein for the first time the other night- and she is SOOOO cute - patting her little legs along with them and then throwing her arms up in the air screaming something that is supposed to represent "BLAST OFF!" :) ahhhh - 17 month old.

Did I mention she's cranky - that's mostly because of the big gash she received under her eye from sweetie pie (that's another story that I don't care to get into right now) and was put on Augmentin for it - so she has a TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD diaper rash. SHe also has all four molars coming in at various stages.

She loves to climb up on everything. You give her less than a minute unattended - and she's up on the kitchen table dancing... :)

So - that's my Anna update for now. Maybe a picture soon! Then Julia is next!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Anna Banana! Such a sweetie! I can just picture it all!