Tuesday, October 11, 2005

What I'm watching now...

Sad sad sad to admit that I'm watching A LOT of tv. I've said it before and I'll say it again - I think the DVR is the coolest thing I've used in a LONG time. Nothing like condensing an hour drama into 25 minutes or so - you can fast forward through all the commercials - the 3 minute beginning where they cover what happened last week - the last 3 minutes where they let you know what will happen next episode... then you have those fast paced scenes set to music. SO - hour long drama - in 25 minutes. A half-hour show can be boiled down to 15-20 minutes - since there is less added stuff into a 1/2 hour show.

Late at night when this insomnia sinks in or any time I have 20 minutes to fold clothes or something... I crank up the DVR and anything I've set to record is at my beck and call!

So - what the hell am I watching (you ask already)???? A better question is what am I NOT watching?

I am watching Invasion - not bad - not nearly as exciting, interesting or smart as Threshold but it's not too bad.

Medium - still like this show - the actor playing the husband STILL bothers me, but I like this show

Numbers - one of my favorite shows from last season. I have a little confession that I have a little crush on Charlie - the math genius brother on the show. I'm not sure why - he's not really my thing - but for some reason - I like him!

The Apprentice - Martha Stewart - I really like this show, it's a great concept, and I've always like MS and her style.

My Name is Earl - Ok - you should already know how much I love Jason Lee... so I was poised to really like this show - and I do. It's not the best thing on tv right now - but it's funny - and Jason Lee - even with his facial hair - is a joy to watch.

Threshold - This show is so much fun! Every week it's like watching parts of a motion picture. The last week was a little more boring than the others - but still fun.

Desperate Housewives - I like it but it seems forced this time - I think it's because it was SO popular I'm more critical of it. Or maybe it's because I don't really have anyone I identify with anymore. Still enjoy it - but not quite as much.

Speaking of Crushes - I have a mad crush on Jerry O'Connell - he is WICKED hot. I would also have to add Jill Hennessey is pretty damn hot herself. So - yeah I really enjoy Crossing Jordan. Especially now that she's not constantly tracking her own shadowy past.

Alias - I have it taped - but haven't watched it yet. We'll see!

Lost - I admit I got on the bandwagon late last season - but I'm fully caught up - and fully addicted. What crazy fun this show is. Love it - love constantly being confused, amazed and astounded. :) Great to watch at 3am!

Commander In Chief - interesting - not sure if I like it yet. I really like Geena Davis - and Donald Sutherland is a hilarious bad guy.

Grey's Anatomy IS my favorite show from last season. This season it is absolutely NO disapointment. Back to crushes - Yep - Patrick Dempsey... :)

Biggest Loser - Crazy inspirational stuff. These people are working their asses off. It's fun!

It is true - it's sad. A fat pregnant woman who can't sleep is a prime candidate for all this TV! :)

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