Tuesday, October 18, 2005

She's a peeing fool! (m)

Anna Banana is SOOOO excited for herself - she is a peeing fool! After her peeing/pooping and then peeing again success (yes, I am thrilled beyond belief to be discussing the bowel habits of an almost 17 month old ... that should explain to you how exciting the rest of my life currently stands!!) on Saturday... we bought her the ROYAL THRONE. Hell yes, that's what it's called. My little Princesses hind region will sit on no normal porcelain seat - only a throne will do for the fecal discards of my offspring!

So - the Throne (as it will be called going forward) was not a huge success yesterday. She loved the freedom of standing up and just running off the potty for naked freedom. Today though... she found the joy of said Throne - and once again taxed our septic system with her little pee. It is SOOOO cute.

Yes -I said it - and I'm proud. My little girl peeing/pooping on the potty is Fing adorable... deal with it. There WILL be more to come because with the commencement of usage of the Throne comes many a day of accidents and yes, more pee/poop on the agenda.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

could I please get a video of her naked?